Sad news from Yorkslass ( Sue and David )


Rally Organiser

I have had some sad news from Yorkslass ( Sue and David ) . Yesterday they had to have their much loved dog ( Sunny ) put to sleep , I don't want to go into too much detail but basically after a few health issues the vet said Sunny was getting old and there was nothing else they could do for him . All the friends of Sue and David will know how much they adored Sunny and he will be missed very much by all of us . Please join me and Lorraine and send your support and love at this very sad time and you are in our thoughts Sue and David xx
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Sorry to hear of the sad news. It’s a hard but brave and correct decision to follow vets advice, but it doesn’t make the loss any less. Best wishes Mick and Teresa
That's sad news.
We hope you have better news soon.
A sad time for you both that must have left a big hole in your lives, Sue and I are thinking of you
I'm sorry to hear the news.
It's sad time for them both but ar least Sunny won't be in distress.
Thinking of them both.
This is terrible news Sue/Dave, so sorry to hear about Sunny.
If Sunny was in any pain, it’s not fair to let him suffer, he can’t explain how he feels.
Remember all the good times you spent together and let’s all be grateful that he is no longer suffering.
Big hugs and love to you both. xx
Sorry to hear. Very hard losing a loved pet from the family.

Big hugs for you both, Sue {{{hugs}}} xx ❤
Always a sad time. Been there 3 times it never gets easier. Just remember you've given a good life ,there are so many that don't get that.
Thoughts with them

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