So would you feed a stray?


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So would you feed a stray?

Where we are parked up, there is the skinniest young dog I've EVER seen. Ribs almost sticking out at right angles. Initially I wanted to put some food down for him, but I don't want him lurking around too close 'cos of Oscar. Thinking I'll put some off out for him tomorrow when we leave, but not too much as we only carry high meat content dried and I think it would be too rich for him.
I didn't get used to strays in Italy, Sicily especially or Portugal and I don't suppose I will in Greece either. Sad.
I'm daft enough to want to bring them all home. I don't think I could cope, seeing animals starving.
We had a dog visit us every day in Greece followed us to edge of town and waited till we got back then followed again. Ok in the summer when plenty of tourists but it’s the winter I worry about, the locals don’t seem to care . and yes we did feed him. (Rightly or wrongly) .
yorkslass;n10549 said:
I'm daft enough to want to bring them all home. I don't think I could cope, seeing animals starving.

Me neither it’s one of the things that puts me off touring abroad years ago when the lads were quite young we went to Egypt and outside our hotel was a starving donkey my lads spent a week stealing ing carrots and other fruit and veg and feeding it it still died the day we were going home they were gutted.
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Campervanannie;n10591 said:
Me neither it’s one of the things that puts me off touring abroad years ago when the lads were quite young we went to Egypt and outside our hotel was a starving donkey my lads spent a week stealing ing carrots and other fruit and veg and feeding it it still died the day we were going home they were gutted.

I was shocked at the state of working animals in Egyptian cities, although the ones out in the country seemed to be a bit better off,but as comparatively rich westerners it's easy for us to judge,if it comes down to a choice of buying food for the family,or the donkey,then I'm sure we'd all have half starved animals. I rode a donkey from the Nile to the valley of the king's,one of the best experiences of my life.
As for stray dogs,I came across one in a French lay-by last year,my dog was most put out that a large portion of his food was given away!
yorkslass;n10549 said:
I'm daft enough to want to bring them all home. I don't think I could cope, seeing animals starving.

I would be the same Sue Malcolm stopped taking me to the kennels when we were looking for a dog years ago as I wanted to have them all and I was upset when leaving them!
Asterix;n10603 said:
I was shocked at the state of working animals in Egyptian cities, although the ones out in the country seemed to be a bit better off,but as comparatively rich westerners it's easy for us to judge,if it comes down to a choice of buying food for the family,or the donkey,then I'm sure we'd all have half starved animals. I rode a donkey from the Nile to the valley of the king's,one of the best experiences of my life.
As for stray dogs,I came across one in a French lay-by last year,my dog was most put out that a large portion of his food was given away!

We did that same route on camels ? really uncomfortable ride, but yes it’s easy for us to judge I just don’t like to see it.
Little and often is the answer, Last one that turned up at our van door had a chip and passport by 1200 the same day, lost his balls a week later when he was fit enough for the op and came back to the UK with us a few weeks later.
Campervanannie;n10591 said:
Me neither it’s one of the things that puts me off touring abroad years ago when the lads were quite young we went to Egypt and outside our hotel was a starving donkey my lads spent a week stealing ing carrots and other fruit and veg and feeding it it still died the day we were going home they were gutted.

At least they tried, and that's what matters. I bet it's something they've never forgot though.
Every day there are charities on the telly begging for money to save poor donkeys. Whilst I feel for the donkeys on the ads the poor bastards that's working them are in no better condition.
Yes I would feed a stray but that's as far as it would go.
We stayed in a hotel in Crete they kept a couple of cats around for mice and the like one of the cats had four kittens just outside our balcony so wife would take a wee bit of meat from dinner and feed the morning we woke to three loud bangs it was the hotel owner with a small 4 10 shotgun he shot three of kittens like it was nothing and was laughing my misses went nuts I tried to explain that they were wild and too many were bad but she wasn’t having it she pulled the guy up and I ended up wrestling with him I dumped him in pool wae all his clothes on. Police called and dumped out of hotel. Ide do same again today just don’t like unnecessary cruelty.
you have to be pragmatic- there's thousands of them ! local charities will only take 'pretty' ones. ie ones that have a chance of being rehomed. in Portugal, before the big cull, you wouldn't walk around without a good stick to beat off the packs that had gone feral. at a certain point they are just a pest and have to be handled accordingly
Some years ago a couple of young women I worked with went to one of the sunny islands on holiday together. They told us about feeding the feral cats around the apartment block. All was well until a few weeks following their return when they were both diagnosed with ring worm ?. Apparently the jollop they had to bathe in to treat it wasn’t very nice.
mr brown;n10672 said:
you have to be pragmatic- there's thousands of them ! local charities will only take 'pretty' ones. ie ones that have a chance of being rehomed. in Portugal, before the big cull, you wouldn't walk around without a good stick to beat off the packs that had gone feral. at a certain point they are just a pest and have to be handled accordingly

When I spent the night parked up at the observatory, somewhere in the Algarve I looked out of my window early morning to see a small pack of dogs running past the van, one with a rabbit hanging from its mouth.
I saved these,now healthy but very naughty bowsers and they are all coming back with me to the uk,from BG
Our next door neighbours have a paddock at the end of our garden where they keep rescue donkeys.

It is quite heartwarming to see them improve in health and condition within a few weeks of arriving.

They also keep goats, which are just weird creatures!
Green Man;n10677 said:
Some years ago a couple of young women I worked with went to one of the sunny islands on holiday together. They told us about feeding the feral cats around the apartment block. All was well until a few weeks following their return when they were both diagnosed with ring worm ?. Apparently the jollop they had to bathe in to treat it wasn’t very nice.

Ring worm comes from cows,iv handeled many a pussy and never got ringworm.
They may not have been the brightest couple of lasses but I doubt they’d have got a cat and a cow mixed up. The fungal infection known as ringworm can be caused by Microsporum Canis which is spread by cats and dogs. But that wouldn’t help your double (or more likely ‘single) entendre. ?

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