solar wire extensions


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i have a reasonably average solar set up of 100w panel & 2x 125a batteries just been away touring for 13 weeks without problems but i do find that after several years touring i am starting to stay around for 4/5 days in one spot and wanted to upgrade my system, l have recently purchased a 110wfolding flexible panel and would like to wire that to the battery set up , because of the location of the batteries it is not convenient to connect each time so i would like to run a wire to a plug in point that i can access easily , i have a 6amp offset plug and a couple of metres of cable that i could use to run the plug to a more convenient point , the question is would 15amp flex and a 6amp connector be safe to use or do i need to purchase solar specific fitments,
Basically you can do what you want Ken and it will work, better connections and proper sized cables will reduce losses. If you want the connectors I cut off my panels I am still hoping to be at Lee’s next meet and will have them in the van. I used fuses to connect mine so I could isolate the panel, that’s why I cut them off.
You are ideally best using UV resistant cable if you are looking for longevity for any cab!e used outside. Standard cable insulation goes brittle in the sun and will then crack when flexed or coiled letting air and moisture in.

Ref MC4 connectors, they have been used generally as they are pretty waterproof as well as being able to carry a decent current. It is actually possible to get in-line fuses in an MC4 form factor if you want to protect the cabling at the right end (near the panel, where the fuse holder will be subjected to the weather). If the need is to isolate the panel from the controller for a reason (maintenance?) then using a little circuit breaker inside the vehicle might be the neatest way (but you wouldn't have MC4 cables inside anyway to remove?
the panel comes with almost 4 mts of cable my van is almost 7 mts long so if i can get a plug in point in the central area of my van that i can access i should be fine the cable to that point would be internal, i only really envisage using this when parked up in the sun where i would by habit park with the fridge on the shady side habitation door opening into the sun so plug point needed near there, the batteries are next to the fridge so couple of mts of wire should be all i need there is a fuse provided near the crocodile clips so i’ll wire that next to the batteries and come under floor with the cabling , being a plumber rather than a sparks just concerned about the load i’m putting on things,
If you want a very neat connector that is totally waterproof, the MagCode ones are very good, but they are expensive.
Rated at 15A (There is a 30A version as well I think)
I use one of these for an awning light.

Anderson Plugs are very robust - you can get them individually and make your own leads, or get them ready-made. This is Photonic Universes ready-made lead set -

Or of course, the MC4s - as long as you have the release tool they are simple to separate (without the tool they can be a right PITA)
i did have a look at the sort of plug in adaptors used by bailey caravans and some motorhomes where there is a hose attachment & plug in inside a cover already got a point for my bbq could fit this alongside neatly

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