Spanish Speeding Ticket


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We returned home from Spain to find a 100€ speeding fine waiting for us. It was dated 31/01 and we had 20 days to pay and get a 50% discount. However because we arrived home in March the 20 days had elapsed. I rang the number on the letter to advise that we had only just got home and the lady aadvised that because we were not Spanish residents we get a couple of months grace in which to pay and get the reduction.

Thought I'd mention it in case anyone else gets nabbed...

And if it is not paid it go's up very quickly I got court like that when I first moved over here :(
Might have to get the daughter to check our mail in that case, I try and use cruise control to stick to the limits, but sometimes you get flustered and loose concentration.
I got caught beginning of Feb. My neighbour checks our mail and he scanned and emailed me the letter. I paid up. Didn't know about the 2 months grace though.

I'm only surprised I haven't been caught before, but perhaps it was because we've been on more "minor" roads than usual where the limits are constantly changing, even within a very short distance. Driving on the "wrong" side of the road takes up more of your attention, looking for junctions, vehicles coming out of side roads on the "wrong" side, roundabouts, pedestrian crossings, and so on. It's quite easy to miss a speed limit change.
Very easy to lose track in Spain and a few other EU countries. In UK you always get a speed limit sign every time the limit changes. In some countries limits are nested within each other. ie. approaching a town you see a sign saying 70kph, later a 50kph. So far so good, but when you leave the 50 zone you see a 50 with a line through it, so you put your foot down only to find later a sign for 70 with a line through. In other words you have to remember the 50 bit lies within the 70 zone. More tricky of course if you have stopped overnight somewhere in between and haven’t a clue what signs you passed through yesterday.

It applies likewise with the 20kph zones. In some places the 20s can be even trickier, sometimes you get a 20, and nowhere does it tell you when the zone has finished, so you doddle along with an increasingly grumpy tail behind you. Sometimes you get an accompanying hump or crossing sign which gives you the clue that you only slow for the crossing or hump, but this is by no means consistently sometimes when you have already speeded up again you trip over an end of 20 sign...oops, bugger! That long road up the west side of northern Portugal is a continuous succession of such instance.

In France where they are grass or hedge cutting you get a 20 sign and a sign saying ‘faucharge’, you won’t get an end of restriction sign after this, you just speed up once you’ve passed the man with the machine. In Spain however you’ll get a 20 on a rural road, after 4 or 5k by which time you’ve stopped believing there is anything to slow down for you’ll suddenly catch up with the tractor, speed up then? Oh no, two or three k further on you’ll find an end of 20 sign.

You know those annoying 10kph signs on a nice smooth bit of road where it is alleged there are (once were) ‘gravillons’ (loose chippings), you know the ones everyone ignores! Well, once on a long 8k section of road so marked (fortunately someone had warned me), the French police had been booking every single car that went past for a week...even though the chippings had been well bedded down for some considerable time.

So much for European ‘harmonisation’!
I've my Garmin sat nav set to warn me if I exceed speed limits I know it can be wrong but it helps if you drift over speed
Get a good sat nav, it will show you speed limits on the vast majority of roads.
Lots of French villages have a 70kmh zone before and after the 50kmh zone so best not to put your foot down till you are sure of the speed limit.
And if you have a queue of traffic behind you, who cares? They will soon get past you.
My sat nav, a Garmin Camper 660, a few years old now, was showing incorrect speed limits. It couldn't differentiate between the limit for a van of unladen weight under 3050 kg and one over that limit. OK, it defaulted to the lower limit, but it was confusing. I've since upgraded to the latest version which does differentiate.

But they are not foolproof and won't always show the current speed limit, particularly during or after road works where the limits have changed.
i have had a fine in each of the last two years , my daughter regularly checks the house & any official correspondence, i noticed a change in the format this year saying 20 days from receipt of this notice rather than twenty days from this date , the one that catches me unawares are on a motorway dual carriageway & it sometimes reduces 40kph at a junction but not every one !
I wasn’t sure that mine was aware of the 30k limits in Italy last year but perhaps they were recent ones and sat nav needs updating or should this be satellite driven!
I used to have a sat nav that constantly beeped saying I was over the limit - it thought I was an LGV due to the dimensions I'd put in. The dog chewed it up. Guess he didn't like the beeping either.
I ask my boy tonight what happens if you are on holiday and get a speeding ticket and don't pay it, he said it is logged on to a computer and if your ever unlucky to get stopped again in Spain they will make you pay plus interest or if you refuse they can impound your car or if they find you have more than one ticket they have an agreement with some country's to collect the outstanding fine
We paid it as we visit Spain every winter for a couple of months so figured it wasn't worth the risk if we were stopped for any reason.

I ask my boy tonight what happens if you are on holiday and get a speeding ticket and don't pay it, he said it is logged on to a computer and if your ever unlucky to get stopped again in Spain they will make you pay plus interest or if you refuse they can impound your car or if they find you have more than one ticket they have an agreement with some country's to collect the outstanding fine
Sounds more like Italian mafia!!
We have motorway tolls outstanding from 2 years ago as we couldn’t sort automatic registration system.
This year we’ve got tag in advance.
Will we get put in prison!!!
My sat nav, a Garmin Camper 660, a few years old now, was showing incorrect speed limits. It couldn't differentiate between the limit for a van of unladen weight under 3050 kg and one over that limit. OK, it defaulted to the lower limit, but it was confusing. I've since upgraded to the latest version which does differentiate.

But they are not foolproof and won't always show the current speed limit, particularly during or after road works where the limits have changed.
We have motorway tolls outstanding from 2 years ago as we couldn’t sort automatic registration system.
This year we’ve got tag in advance.
Will we get put in prison!!!

Just look at it this way, if you are locked up for a couple of months, all this c-virus will be out of the way.
There's always a plus to every minus.

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