Swivel seats

The laird

Rally Organiser

Seats a very stiff to pivot round tried wd and silicone spray no different and suggestions ?
Depending on the type there’s a big nut with a fibre washer that gets a bit gritty !
Take apart clean and lubricateimage.jpg
Seats a very stiff to pivot round tried wd and silicone spray no different and suggestions ?
Does it slide to and fro ok or is that a bit stiff as well?
Is the passenger seat action any different to before we took it off?

Asking as I know on the VW Transporters, when you replace those seats, if you don't tighten up the bolts nice and evenly going round like you would with a wheel, they can be very stiff to move.
I don't think that should be a factor with a swivel plate, but you could try loosening all the bolts from the plate to the base just slightly and see if the action is better? if so, tighten up gradually and evenly (TBH I doubt it will make a difference, but worth a shot just to eliminate).
I told you what to do at15.13 on Monday ! And you still not done it,
Let me know when I can be of more assistance and I’ll say no🤣

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