The green frog meet in may

The laird

Rally Organiser

Today I sent a email to the frog cancelling our meeting there at the end of the month due to the guidelines laid down to us by the government ,it’s with sadness this had to be done but we must all adhere and stick together in these hard times to beat this intruder
I hope you all stay well and safe ,let’s not forget our admin who has not got a easy task dealing with the times we are in as well
regards The Laird
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I was looking for businesses for sale the other day Gordon and I saw an advert for the Green Frog, it is up for sale, but it is a leasehold business. I presume it's turnover going to be effected like everyone else with the lock down, hopefully if they get to open in July, they will have a bumper summer season to make up for the closure.
Here it is Gordon, I was looking at caravan sites to buy, my cousin wife used to run a caravan site for the CCC for many years and her husband was an area manager for them before they took over Forest Holidays and he went working as there area manager, they used to tell me the profit mark up and turnover was very attractive, know wonder a lot of the sites are over a million or so to buy, out of my price bracket, I have 5 acres of land in Blackpool, hopefully one day I could getting planning to develop it. Here is the advert for the green frog

I think if the sites get the ok to open in July they will have a busy second half trading period, as many tourists won't be going abroad, but I can see many businesses folding here in Blackpool, they rely on having a full season to help get them through the lean winter period and have missed out on the bank holidays, such a shame as many of them are family businesses.

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