To maintain or get a different one

Scammers every where so F B no different I think I was talking to my impoverished Uncle in India recently who wants me to launder 2 0 million Rupees for him and I get to keep 45 percent of the proceeds but I have to pay transfer fees up front so I am still considering the deal
Scammers every where so F B no different I think I was talking to my impoverished Uncle in India recently who wants me to launder 2 0 million Rupees for him and I get to keep 45 percent of the proceeds but I have to pay transfer fees up front so I am still considering the deal
Indeed there are scams everywhere but most platforms make some kind of effort to filter/block the, marketplace doesn’t seem to bother at all
I 2as not a fan of FBMP either, but I sold my old scoot and bought my newer one on there so ots caveat emptor as on any site.

I bought a cupholder off ebay ages ago and yesterday I slipped getting out of the van and I split it, I've had it ages but only fitted it 3 weeks ago I sent the seller a picture and he's replacing it.

I'll leave it for now and maybe try SG on it if it goes altogether.

I 2as not a fan of FBMP either, but I sold my old scoot and bought my newer one on there so ots caveat emptor as on any site.

I bought a cupholder off ebay ages ago and yesterday I slipped getting out of the van and I split it, I've had it ages but only fitted it 3 weeks ago I sent the seller a picture and he's replacing it.

I'll leave it for now and maybe try SG on it if it goes altogether.

View attachment 69652
Gorilla Glue Rules.🦍🦍
Nor sure i agree I use it on wood but not sure if it would work on 3D printed stuff.
I have bought and sold stuff on marketplace and used to like it, it’s only recently I have noticed so many blatant scams. Don’t know if they were always there but didn’t show on my feeds or if it’s new. Facebook does seem to work in strange ways at times.
The problem with the scams is that new buyers who don't know much about motorhomes see really nice vehicles worth about £30K+ advertised for £7,500 so they think they can get a fairly decent van for much less. I've lost count of the posts saying they have a budget of 3 or 4K and they want a ULEZ compliant van! No chance.
On f book always look into the profile of people and there band of followers, this gives them away and we dont reply to many buyers or sellers.
FB et al should be way more vigilant, but they let buyers do the policing i used to report loads every day on ebay but it just never ceases.
I currently sell items on FB MARKET Place frequently and find it a great medium to do this, I do not have pay pal or do posting or deliver stuff, collection is cash only and from my home address by the buyer, for the first time a few days ago I did agree to bank transfer and the cash was in my bank account before I parted with my van, I checked at my branch personally on this and was assured the money was there and could not be reclaimed by anyone except me or my wife, so that was a first for me, I have also had notification from DVLA that I am no longer the reg keeper of the van and not liable for any fines etc incurred by the new owner etc and had a refund of the road tax on the vehicle, so very happy with it all to date, and from my experience of FB to date I will continue to use it.
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Zero safeguards though, I'll stick with ebay and PayPal for more expensive stuff.
I tried facebook, but after about 30 seconds it just went round and round in circles, press this press that press the other. Back to the start: press this press that press the other. Repeat. I gave up but I wish I knew how because people do say it's a good place to sell stuff. Ebay is amazingly expensive, you only get about 80% and they take 20%.
It is a fixed price of £19.99 if you place a classified ad on eBay. There are possible upgrades but no % fee.
ebay /help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/motors-fees?id=4127

My personal experience with FB is that it is full of scammers.
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I tried facebook, but after about 30 seconds it just went round and round in circles, press this press that press the other. Back to the start: press this press that press the other. Repeat. I gave up but I wish I knew how because people do say it's a good place to sell stuff. Ebay is amazingly expensive, you only get about 80% and they take 20%.
classified ad on ebay is £19.99 and no fees……
It is a fixed price of £19.99 if you place a classified ad on eBay. There are possible upgrades but no % fee.
ebay /help/selling/fees-credits-invoices/motors-fees?id=4127

My personal experience with FB is that it is full of scammers.
Scammers everywhere these days , just be aware , trouble with E Bay and Pay Pal is that if a buyer complains for any reason E Bay refund the money they have paid straight away , give someone access to my bank account NEVER ,just more scams there it seems to me ???
Good job you're not paranoid innit.
Talking of scammers we think we have some attention from one. Mrs bought some dresses not realising they come from China. She got a notice from DHL saying they were in transit, but any import duties due would have to be paid before delivery.
DHL arrived at our drive, chap handed me the parcel, I can't remember but he may have taken a photo of me and parcel as they sometimes do nowadays. Nothing was said about paying any import duty.
DHL web site and Ts&Cs clearly state that the customer will have to pay any duties or taxes prior to delivery.
Several weeks later she got a letter on properly coloured, proper font DHL paper listing delivery charges, customs charges, VAT etc amounting to about £75. I'm not paying that, quoth she, I was never told there would be additional charges in the original order. So she didn't pay, getting a bit worried how a couple of dresses worth perhaps £20 could incur £75 of duty costs. Ignored it.
A few weeks went past and another letter on the same apparently authentic DHL headed paper with what you would expect if you hadn't paid what they asked for. These payments they want paying into a specified bank account.
A few more weeks and another similar letter demanding payment. Scan here, pay £75 (ish, not just a nice round number, which makes it look more authentic. Import duty, carriage charges, and VAT on all of those totalled about £75)
We found the original order which included carriage in the purchase price and want to send it to DHL as proof that we have paid all the carriage costs up front. However there is no address to send payment to, just bank sort code and account number.
So I looked up DHL in Companies House www in order to write to DHL with a copy of the original order. I was surprised to find lots of different addresses for DHL so I didn't choose one.
Mrs rang the contact number and was given an address to send the money to. She duly wrote a letter explaining that DHL are not adhering to their own rules and regulations - i.e. that duty will be payable prior to delivery. So she doesn't see why she should pay, and that the delivery charges were included in the purchase order which she wanted to send a copy of. If DHL had demanded these costs on delivery I would not have paid and would have told DHL they can keep the parcel and/or return it to wherever it came from.
Having been given the address she put the letter and purchase order in an envelope and took it to the Post Office to send Recorded Delivery. Mrs Post Office lady keyed in the address and Post Code to print the stick-on label as they do, and said hang on a minute this address does not exist.
So we will not be paying them whoever they are, via their scammy bar code thingy, and we will sleep soundly at night. I don't suppose they are going to come banging on our door for the money. If they do I will set Grettle on to them and they will leave with smoking tyres.
And we won't be buying anything more from Light In The Box.
Talking of scammers we think we have some attention from one. Mrs bought some dresses not realising they come from China. She got a notice from DHL saying they were in transit, but any import duties due would have to be paid before delivery.
DHL arrived at our drive, chap handed me the parcel, I can't remember but he may have taken a photo of me and parcel as they sometimes do nowadays. Nothing was said about paying any import duty.
DHL web site and Ts&Cs clearly state that the customer will have to pay any duties or taxes prior to delivery.
Several weeks later she got a letter on properly coloured, proper font DHL paper listing delivery charges, customs charges, VAT etc amounting to about £75. I'm not paying that, quoth she, I was never told there would be additional charges in the original order. So she didn't pay, getting a bit worried how a couple of dresses worth perhaps £20 could incur £75 of duty costs. Ignored it.
A few weeks went past and another letter on the same apparently authentic DHL headed paper with what you would expect if you hadn't paid what they asked for. These payments they want paying into a specified bank account.
A few more weeks and another similar letter demanding payment. Scan here, pay £75 (ish, not just a nice round number, which makes it look more authentic. Import duty, carriage charges, and VAT on all of those totalled about £75)
We found the original order which included carriage in the purchase price and want to send it to DHL as proof that we have paid all the carriage costs up front. However there is no address to send payment to, just bank sort code and account number.
So I looked up DHL in Companies House www in order to write to DHL with a copy of the original order. I was surprised to find lots of different addresses for DHL so I didn't choose one.
Mrs rang the contact number and was given an address to send the money to. She duly wrote a letter explaining that DHL are not adhering to their own rules and regulations - i.e. that duty will be payable prior to delivery. So she doesn't see why she should pay, and that the delivery charges were included in the purchase order which she wanted to send a copy of. If DHL had demanded these costs on delivery I would not have paid and would have told DHL they can keep the parcel and/or return it to wherever it came from.
Having been given the address she put the letter and purchase order in an envelope and took it to the Post Office to send Recorded Delivery. Mrs Post Office lady keyed in the address and Post Code to print the stick-on label as they do, and said hang on a minute this address does not exist.
So we will not be paying them whoever they are, via their scammy bar code thingy, and we will sleep soundly at night. I don't suppose they are going to come banging on our door for the money. If they do I will set Grettle on to them and they will leave with smoking tyres.
And we won't be buying anything more from Light In The Box.
If DHL [or any courier] are asked to collect an Import Duty, they have a legal duty to do so on behalf of HMRC. Many couriers began to charge a £15 Admin Fee some 3 years ago to cover the cost of the extra paperwork processing, so an increase to £20 is probably less than subsequent inflation

................. when looking what newer vans cost to keep them running I've decided to keep what I got
Quite apart from the £70k - £130k cost of a 'newer' van, let alone a new van, AIB told me if you want to insure anything over £60k it has to have a monitored tracker. That's about £500 to install plus £450 a year for monitoring. So if you don't want running costs of about say £600 for insurance, £380 road tax and £450 for tracker / alarm gizmos then it's much much cheaper to get a sub £59k camper.
Then there are other costs associated with a new-ish camper. If you get a Comformatic Fiat, there will be a £700 bill for adjusting the clutch which can only be done at a COMPETENT Fiat professional garage, of which I think we know of three in the UK. If you don't get a Fiat Comfortmatic, then there will be the bills from incompetent garages, franchised or otherwise, which do what The Computer Says Is Wrong when a light comes on. The Computer is ALWAYS wrong in my experience of £3000 worth of incorrect repairs to various vehicles. The 'technician' will believe the computer, change the £500 part and then stand back and go "Oh dear, its' still faulty. What do I do now?" and change another £450 part, and so on until the fault goes away.
So for my own part I have just bought a 25 yr old camper with headlights worked by a switch, similarly the wipers and indicators. It has a steering wheel to make it go round corners, and doesn't suddenly take over the steering if The Computer thinks I am steering incorrectly. It has a handbrake lever and cable so I can apply it when I stop. Since I have passed my driving test I am capable of realising that it has gone dark and I need to put the lights on, and the same if it rains - put the wipers on. If you have passed your driving test, you don't need a new camper. By the way people drive, expecting the vehicle to do everything, I guess they haven't passed their test.
By the way I recently had a 2021 Chausson on a Ford Transit, and believe it or not it had two handbrake cables running to the rear wheels. These two cables terminated at a plastic block in the centre of the chassis. Forward of that block there was nothing. It didn't have a handbrake lever, the brakes were computer controlled electric brakes. Equally strangely the rear leaf springs were made of transluscent green plastic!

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