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Well had a chat with the garage this morning and it’s not good the big ends gone and there is bits of metal all over the engine so it’s a complete engine rebuild new clutch and timing belt so will be off the road for a while ???
Strange a big end went,i take it all four are nacked,had you oil in her and had the filter been changed,any way hope you pick a good donkey up soon.
Sorry to hear that, have you tried FB , as you know there are may groups, you may just find one covering your vehicle and engine combination. I joined a Transit group, plenty of helpful info and occasionally people asking for engines and the like.
Strange a big end went,i take it all four are nacked,had you oil in her and had the filter been changed,any way hope you pick a good donkey up soon.
Yes there was plenty of oil in her not sure what caused it but it’s spilt milk and all that ?

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