Tv arial. What one


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I have a tv arial on our Moho so do not need another one. But a friend that’s starting to build his own. PVC. . Asked IF
a directional arial or a multi directional arial what’s best.

Me I have never looked into anything like this ..

But just fitted a directional WiFi antenna But had the choice of either. Just I can see the tower so got a directional WiFi antenna
I have tried a few different ones including the wind up ones usually built in. Best I have had is the Avtex 3000, so much better than any others I have had. Saying that I can’t remember last time I used the aerial, I usually stream from the internet when in the van

This is the one
We have a vision plus 570 with the 1m lift up pole ....

Good kit and the extra 1m loft seems to make a difference to both the tv and tinterweb as the Xpol antenna for the router goes up 1m or so too .
Directional always best for hight gain, gain is inportant, then you have to know or find if the transmitter is vertical or horisontal, so in truth you must be able to turn the bu--er and change the atitude of the directors from inside.

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