Weather Report..................

After a cloudy, misty 10 degrees at dawn, it's looking and sounding like a lovely spring day.
Management had the WD-40 and a crowbar ready... To help me into my Speedos.
Unbroken sunshine and 20 degrees forecast.
I'm not putting the umbrella away yet, The Daughter arrives, this Pm.
She usually brings a little Manchester weather with her.
Hertfordshire had a dousing of rain overnight but this morning it's dry and progressively brightening from dismal grey to something with hope.
And it's also getting warmer with a light breeze.
Not only that but the forecasters are advertising a few dry days ahead of us.
Sounds good to me!

Colin :):):)
I'm here in the rolling Hertfordshire countryside under a beautiful blue sky at about 9°C.
There's very little air movement and no rain forecast for the coming few days.
Don't worry.
I'll cope.

Colin :):):)