Weather Report..................

We had plenty of rain here in Herts overnight but now, thankfully, it's stopped.
It's not as windy as the forecast suggested (67kph) but it is breezy so the garden should dry out soon enough for me to recommence tidying activities.
It's amazingly mild. Presently it's about 13°C and climbing.

Colin :):):)
It was a Yorkshire man's dream weather , last night.
Cool calm velvet evening
No heating on. Ditto Socks.
We had a grand total of 12 watts of lighting burning away.
Greg Porter on the local wireless programme. ..
Then the Mobile signal packed up.
Back this morning, to a clear, sunny day.. Max.25 forecast, in the shade.
It's the best medicine for me.
Wet and windy here this morning so off to London on the first stage of our trip to the sun and warmth. ☔🛫
Hope all goes smoothly for you both.
You've certainly earned your place on the sun.
Corona Beer Virus can't survive in the heat .
Hope you've packed the Smugfilter, just in case ?
Wet and windy here this morning so off to London on the first stage of our trip to the sun and warmth. ☔🛫

Have a safe and comfortable trip, Bill.
Your imminent holiday is well deserved and I, for one, won't be one tiny bit jealous over the amazing weather you'll no doubt be advertising here.......
.......well, perhaps a little.

Colin 🙂🙂🙂