Windows misting up on the van

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

I just happened to be stood next to the van cab yesterday when we came home and I noticed that the cab windows were misted up and wondered what might be causing it, it doesn't leak anywhere that I know of, there is no water in the van apart from a couple of bottles, I've not had chance to go down to open it up and look, the weather up here is awful lately and I am a bit worried I might get blown over as I'm not too steady right now.
There is bound to be dampness in tthe van from the weather we have had, nothing to do with the condition of the van structure. I have had to dry out the 2 dehumidifier gizmos from the car twice in the last few weeks. Overnight on the radiator in the house sorts them out.

I found the cheap dehumidifiers work well. I used to put two in the van over Winter. They picked up very little and at first I thought they were crap until I took them out and pt them on a shelf in my garage (house garage). They quickly absorbed a lot of water, so worked properly.

The cheapest method is to buy a bag of Salt and place 2 or 3 bowls around the van. When it goes hard and crusty take it indoors and dry it out. Replace it in the van and repeat as necessary.
I need to get out there in the next day or so, not looked in for a good month or so, hopefully, the CTEK is still keeping the VB happy.

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