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i have electric hookup on my drive and now winter is approaching does everyone drain down their MHs or would you if possible leave on hookup with water heater on low and a oil filled radiator inside, Bill and I split our water heating system in a caravan years ago so I know what an expensive error it can be .
Where's your water tank ?
I wouldn't leave the water heater on even if electrical ,yours is probably gas only ?
never drained ours
oil filled radiator on low and cupboards open
I’ve never drained the boiler ,cupboards are left open ,overcab bed dropped mains hooked up and small oil filled thermostatic rad on med temp when sub or very low temps,touch wood I’ve never ever had any probs with caravans and campers so I won’t change my routine ,also have the thermals up and blinds weekends if nice stable door opened.
Banned member;n1389 said:
Where's your water tank ?
I wouldn't leave the water heater on even if electrical ,yours is probably gas only ?
never drained ours
oil filled radiator on low and cupboards open

I've moved on from the dark ages Charlie it has electric water heating it even has an automatic dump valve that dumps all the water when the temperature is low how very modern of me lol
I wouldn't bother draining down the amount you use your van as unless you open everything up and blow it all through there will always be some water left in the system, as I found out in Spain it froze and broke the filter bowl on the pump but a local Laika dealer had one for about 5 euros
if you are going to leave it for weeks on end then drain it
Campervanannie;n1386 said:
i have electric hookup on my drive and now winter is approaching does everyone drain down their MHs or would you if possible leave on hookup with water heater on low and a oil filled radiator inside, Bill and I split our water heating system in a caravan years ago so I know what an expensive error it can be .

I blow all the water pipes out with compressed air, much better than having frozen and split water pipes.

When at home during winter we pop a convection heater above the pump area and leave it switched on via a temperature sensor switch. Its like a timer but senses the temperature in the van and when it drops below 3-4 degrees just switches the heater on until the temp rises a degree or two. Only cost just under £10 and you can set the temperatures yourself for both off and on. Cheap, easy and safe.
I drain the water tank as soon as the first frost appears.
the van is used all year round. I just use bottled water in the winter.
Allen;n2183 said:
I drain the water tank as soon as the first frost appears.
the van is used all year round. I just use bottled water in the winter.

I do the same - but then I don't have a hot water system to worry about at the minute.

I did bust a boiler in one of my motorhomes because I didn't drain it properly and it cost a lot to get it fixed, had to have a new hot water tank.
Caz;n2272 said:
I do the same - but then I don't have a hot water system to worry about at the minute.

I did bust a boiler in one of my motorhomes because I didn't drain it properly and it cost a lot to get it fixed, had to have a new hot water tank.

Yes Bill and I did that years ago in a caravan we split the water heater for the same thing.
im not sure ive drained mine properly as never had to do it before!! guess ill find out when the frost comes!!
I drain everything down including the boiler. Ive never put it on hookup or put heaters in or anything though and never had any issues. I disconnect both sides of the Surflo pump and open all the taps (once all the water is out). I gather that this way if any water is left in and it freezes it has somewhere to go rather than break the pump or the filter. I run the pump for a second with nothing connected to spit out any water in there. I also take the shower head off which is plastic in case there is water in it. Found out the hard way with that one.

We used to use the van in Winter but Ive sorned it this year (For now). I think ive become a fair weather motorhomer plus there is nowhere I want to go really (in Winter)
Must say I do drain down including boiler. never had a problem but a friend on mine did £3000 worth of damage when he left water in his van. The van was parked up an Italian mountain in ski season though. He left it for two nights with the heating on low, heater failed and stopped agh!.
So I guess there is no hard and fast rules it's each to there own and suffer the consequences if you get it wrong.
I drain only if the forecast is bellow freezing as it is no hardship at home to refill. As said there is always bottled water.

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