WIth A Littlle Help From My Friends .. Anyone coming to The Algarve Soon ?


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WIth A Littlle Help From My Friends .. Anyone coming to The Algarve Soon ?

Name: erm?
Spouse: Management, ?

Member Number 32024 Join Date Feb 2013 Posts 5,121 Location Half way up an East Algarve hillside Motorhome Bentley Indigo

[h=2]With A Little Help From My Friends ... Anyone coming to The Algarve ?[/h]
I have broken the operating bar on my Heki and a spare has arrived at my SIster in law, at Albrighton, Wolverhampton.
She can't get down here until March , because of Grankid- itus.

My Bodged repair doesn't fill me with confidence.

If someone could collect it on their way down here, we would be most greatful ...MOST greatful !​

We're flying to Faro, with hold luggage on Christmas Day, we are house sitting just outside Loule which I know is not that far from you. If you have the measurements and it will fit into our suitcase as am assuming it is metal and will have to go in the hold. Not sure how we could get it though, we are going to Abingdon, Scout Hut gathering, then up to Bugsworth and home again after a brief stopover in Stratford upon Avon, home is the New Forest. Let us know if that could possibly work. Maybe your sister in law could post it or meet us somewhere on our travels?
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That looks good, Sue,

The bar is about 70 cm long with 4cm. Hinges at each end. Plastic, weighs nothing much. It's a locking bar for the midi Heki rooflight. Maybe
you have a similar one in your van?

Maybe you could meet Rhoda on your way from Bugsworth to Stratford. .When are you leaving the meets?
Can you gives me your phone number please?
Are you handy for Albrighton.. WV 7 ?
Sorry, forgot you don't know that you know me and you'd know I wasn't ok as I live in Bradford ?
Nothing wrong with Bratfud..
I'm a Pudsey lad.
Anyone able to pick up from Albrighton who are going to Bugsworth? We can get it to Portugal
Thanks, Graham.
Hope all goes smoothly for you.

If you find yourselves crossing The Guardiana Bridge, keep heading west, along the N270.
We do a nice line in Portuguese shandies.
You'll be welcome to share one with us...

Typical Yorkshire Hospitality.

The cunning plan is all set up.
Albrighton to Moonshadow via courier.
flown to Faro, Handover in a shady dive between Loulé and and Sao Bras..

What could possibly go wrong?
Just pressed the thanks button. Graham.

Don't know if it works.

Fingers crossed for you.

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