550 nights = 536 wild, 14 site


Full Member

Tonight is our 550 night fulltiming in the van and as the title says our wilding compared to sites is great,
Our thanks go out to all the contributors to the wild camping app we don’t use the pub stops as this would eat into our daily budget I am of the belief that you have to buy a drink in a bar before you find a table so parking without buying a meal goes against the grain,
Janet and I have come to the conclusion that we miss the familiarity of having your own garden we miss the day to day changes that happen in the garden and just to watch a regular visitor whether that be a woodpecker or a deer,
We have only three places that we wouldn’t go back for an overnight,
1, industrial estate nr Rotherham, factory running all night with forklift reversing buzzer,
2, a canal sluice gate in Germany that cleared all the branches and detritus out of the canal that would start up intermittently and what ever it was moving stank the whole van out,
3, a port in northern Sweden that was so windy I had to hold the furniture walking from the bed to the driving seat, moved round the corner to peace and tranquillity.
So thanks for all the wilding spots, a big thumbs up to Chris who collates and updates the files, cheers A&J
Tonight is our 550 night fulltiming in the van and as the title says our wilding compared to sites is great,
Our thanks go out to all the contributors to the wild camping app we don’t use the pub stops as this would eat into our daily budget I am of the belief that you have to buy a drink in a bar before you find a table so parking without buying a meal goes against the grain,
Janet and I have come to the conclusion that we miss the familiarity of having your own garden we miss the day to day changes that happen in the garden and just to watch a regular visitor whether that be a woodpecker or a deer,
We have only three places that we wouldn’t go back for an overnight,
1, industrial estate nr Rotherham, factory running all night with forklift reversing buzzer,
2, a canal sluice gate in Germany that cleared all the branches and detritus out of the canal that would start up intermittently and what ever it was moving stank the whole van out,
3, a port in northern Sweden that was so windy I had to hold the furniture walking from the bed to the driving seat, moved round the corner to peace and tranquillity.
So thanks for all the wilding spots, a big thumbs up to Chris who collates and updates the files, cheers A&J
Does that mean you are going to take root somewhere?
Thats a mighty impressive record. We have had vans for almost 8 years and have spent 510 nights away and 265 of those were wild, most being in most recent past as we gained confidence. The rest were either CL's below £8 or britstops with just a handfull on club sites or independant sites.
Well done!
K ;)
Andy it was a pleasure to meet you guys I think it was Lanark was the first,you’ve been a star to many and friends to us all thanks for
All the tips,help AND advice you have gave out
Great to have you as a fellow member
You have the biggest garden, and don't have to maintain it, 550 nights, brilliant, and a great big thanks for posting and pics, gerry
We did about the same score in Aussie as you guys, your garden changes but you don't have to maintain it at all. ?

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