Scottish meets


Full Member

Apart from Orkney. Are there any plans for others, Kelso etc.
Apart from Orkney. Are there any plans for others, Kelso etc.
I can tell you that the regular Kelso venue will almost certainly not be available for a while as it is being used for a vaccination hub.
I'd be avoiding the Borders at the moment. Spoke to the regional helpdesk who are "managing" the vaccine rollout in the Borders Region Health Authority.... currently only booking in people over 65 years old!
I'd be avoiding the Borders at the moment. Spoke to the regional helpdesk who are "managing" the vaccine rollout in the Borders Region Health Authority.... currently only booking in people over 65 years old!
Listening to radio this morning and the borders region has a very low infection rate
Don't have regional breakdown but , as of today , 97.8% of 65-69 year olds have been vaccinated in Scotland
My preference this year for any getaways in the van will be to head northwards.

Got my name down for a couple of the more southerly meets later in the year and for the Overland show at Stratford, but otherwise I'll be following the north star whatever possible (y)
My preference this year for any getaways in the van will be to head northwards.

Got my name down for a couple of the more southerly meets later in the year and for the Overland show at Stratford, but otherwise I'll be following the north star whatever possible (y)
Oooooo, you'll need decent tyres for those trips!!!


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