New drone laws


Full Member

Hi so some of us fly drones.and maybe mostly under 250gm.
My reading suggests these are still ok to fly without registering.
Do you agree with that conclusion ?

Whether or not you take out insurance being another matter.
I think its changed if your under 250gm drone has a camera then the drone has to be registered.

I did both, Flyer ID and Operator ID for a DJI Mavic Mini 2

From the CAA website

You do not need to register if you will only fly or use the following types of drone or model aircraft:

  • toys below 250g or in C0 class
  • those in C0 class with no camera, whether they are a toy or not
  • those below 250g with no camera and no class mark, whether they’re a toy or not

Take a look at the registration requirements for drones and model aircraft to find out if you need to register.
Hi so some of us fly drones.and maybe mostly under 250gm.
My reading suggests these are still ok to fly without registering.
Do you agree with that conclusion ?

Whether or not you take out insurance being another matter.
You must have an operator ID but not a flyer ID.
To be honest the Flyer ID costs nothing and you do pick up what you can and cant do with a drone so that if you get challenged you do have some knowledge, there is a test at the end but its multiple choice and you can look up the answers should you need to.
If your going to fly I'd recommend it.
To be honest the Flyer ID costs nothing and you do pick up what you can and cant do with a drone so that if you get challenged you do have some knowledge, there is a test at the end but its multiple choice and you can look up the answers should you need to.
If your going to fly I'd recommend it.
I have both and public liability insurance

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