Ambulance Strike Cover 'Unlikely to cover Falls by Elderly People'


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It seems that elderly people who suffer falls during the Ambulance Crew strikes will not be attended to by the rump of the service providing emergency cover, So, whatever you do, don't try to run to catch the last train before their next strike starts, or to beat the Postie collecting the Xmas Card posting before their next industrial action! Because, if you do, and you fall, you will freeze your bits off, and then we'll have another Sally Army Advert on Dave/PSB America asking for a £29.07 donation towards the thawing out costs, and I'm already struggling with the costs of supporting our oldest friends the elephants, whilst trying to stop them from ripping up the gorilla tree nests in the jungle; and that bloody Tiger that costs me £3pm will not leave the Penguin in peace, so I cannot sit down and sort out my donation to Water Aid [though this seems cheaper than feeding the elephants and the snow leopards, so maybe bump them up the List] ...

Must dash; the snow leopard's stalking some UNHCR Refugees. The grass is too tall to establish whether they're Yemeni or Ukrainian. Or maybe I should just relax and save £10 off next month's Direct Debit ...

Merry Xmas!

Yeah "£29.07 donation" WTF is that all about, audio clickbait?
Yeah "£29.07 donation" WTF is that all about, audio clickbait?
Naw, Kev, it's on the Sally Army advert! I think I'm right in saying that the Sally Army has changed the advert recently, because the audio still requests £29.07pm, but the small print on screen repeats this,, but adds the text, 'or whatever you can afford'. Whether the change is because people were turned off by a request for such a large sum, or whether it was a nod to the growing Cost of Living crisis, is something we don't know

I just caught it the other day, I have Virgin on in the kithcen in the background when I'm cleaning what I call total desolation after Liz has been farting around in there.

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