Rubber window insert replacement (better titles are available)

Bracknell MoHo

Full Member

Hi, I'm looking to replace the grey inserts seen in the attached picture (sorry, really have no idea what to call them). In other windows where they have 'popped out' I have managed to reinsert them successfully. However, this window ain't going to be fixable as is. Its out at all 4 corners, and it isn't going to go back in. Its the one next to the cooker, and I suspect that over time it has "shrunk" and hardened (heat from the cooker impacted it ?). It looks as if it would be relatively easy to replace IF I could find whatever I need to buy. Seems to me that it ought to come in strips that can be cut to the required length, unscrew the handles etc, remove and replace job.

But what do I need to be hunting for to replace it ?

Get it out and into a nice bucket of hot water,
This will soften it up, then treat it to a good spray of pledge overnight which will soak into it the refit,
Get it out and into a nice bucket of hot water,
This will soften it up, then treat it to a good spray of pledge overnight which will soak into it the refit,
I had thought about taking it out and warming it up in hot water, but figured it would be too permanently "fatigued" for that to work i.e. it would just revert to current state quickly. What does the "good spray of pledge" do ?
I’ve changed a couple of strips, I wouldn’t bother trying to bring it back to life as new filler strip isn’t that expensive, think I got mine from, I used silicon spray when fitting the new strip. You’ll also find it on fleabay as
Caravan window filler tape.
I’ve changed a couple of strips, I wouldn’t bother trying to bring it back to life as new filler strip isn’t that expensive, think I got mine from, I used silicon spray when fitting the new strip. You’ll also find it on fleabay as
Caravan window filler tape.
Thanks for that. My inclination was to fit new if I could find it. There will be a reasonable amount of kerfuffle in removing fixtures / fittings, and unless it was particularly expensive it seems better to replace then resurrect only to later to find that it needs replacing anyway. seems to be the right place for me to start. Measuring it up to withing 2mm accuracy when its already fatigued could be interesting :)
Thanks for that. My inclination was to fit new if I could find it. There will be a reasonable amount of kerfuffle in removing fixtures / fittings, and unless it was particularly expensive it seems better to replace then resurrect only to later to find that it needs replacing anyway. seems to be the right place for me to start. Measuring it up to withing 2mm accuracy when its already fatigued could be interesting :)
Just cut a length slightly longer than required and when you have positioned the tape in the seal section just cut through the overlap, I think my joins originally were under one of the window clips.
I also replaced the original screws with the stainless steel equivalent just to lessen the risk of the wooden window frame deteriorating.
actually I was referring to the width of the seal. It can come in 23mm and 25mm widths. I took a very good look at it earlier and have concluded it is 23mm. Which is a bit of a pain: on seals direct the 23mm grey is only available by 20m roll, not per metre. And on ebay, I don't seem to be able to get enough from one single supplier. By which I mean: I realise that if I get enough to do the 2 windows I need to do, a good chance of poor colour match to the existing and I'll "want"to do the others. Still chewing over whether to buy what I immediately need and risk poor colour match or just bite the bullet and get a full roll from seals direct knowing it will give me enough to do all the windows if I choose.

Not worried about the length as I'm sure it can overlap (looks like the existing one does).
actually I was referring to the width of the seal. It can come in 23mm and 25mm widths. I took a very good look at it earlier and have concluded it is 23mm. Which is a bit of a pain: on seals direct the 23mm grey is only available by 20m roll, not per metre. And on ebay, I don't seem to be able to get enough from one single supplier. By which I mean: I realise that if I get enough to do the 2 windows I need to do, a good chance of poor colour match to the existing and I'll "want"to do the others. Still chewing over whether to buy what I immediately need and risk poor colour match or just bite the bullet and get a full roll from seals direct knowing it will give me enough to do all the windows if I choose.

Not worried about the length as I'm sure it can overlap (looks like the existing one does).
I would think that if some of the windows are showing this shrinkage it’s odds on the remainder will go the same way.
I'd be inclined to leave a good 150mm overlap at the top out of sight then if it shrinks again it's an easy fix rather than cutting it exactly.
@Pudsey Bear For a moment yesterday you had me thinking you'd triggered a light bulb moment: the existing filler tape has a decent amount of overlap so why not just.......... :)

However, in practise this isn't quite the light bulb moment it originally seems: the window fittings (latches/handles, stays) screw in through the filler tape. So making use of any spare on the overlap means having exposed holes where the original fittings went through.
I had to replace one two years ago, I had some tape as it happened that did the job, no idea where it came from though, just in amongst stuff I collected when I did my self-build and was the correct colour, Liz decided the open a window without undoing the locks, and pulled the mounts out on both sides, piss poor mounting, very short self tappers into an aluminium plate, then now have a three inch block of pine with some man sized screws and a warning to never do it again, took me two days to figure out and do the repair, they are now left loose.

Good old Gorilla glue


well this little dialogue took me over the 10 postings that I wasn't aware were a restriction on free access to the forum. As you can tell from the presence of this post, I am now a paid up member.

I have ordered filler tape off ebay. Seals direct ends up being quite expensive due to prices being shown ex Vat and their delivery charges. Albeit they have by email offered to sell me the 23mm by the metre. Although since I'm ordering sufficient spare to do a non-existent 5th window "just in case" I screw something up the 20m only wouldn't be so far off.

I've also ordered a fitting tool: yes of course it could be done without, but if I'm going to refresh all 4 windows then my time is worth the cost of the tool. It is also from flea bay, supplied by Seals Direct, but ironically is cheaper than if you bought from their site because they are doing zero cost delivery.

I'm only writing this particular post which is full of information no one has an interest in so as to make the most of my new found full membership freedom.........thank you for reading (and of course for your help).
That's why we're all here.

That and taking the mickey out of each other :D :D
I had similar problem with my windows. I think mine was caused by sun damage shrinking the trim insert and consequently it cuts the corner.
Top tip I read somewhere was to put masking tape either side and mark the position of the screw holes. I found the insertion tool not easy and managed without. I left an overlap at the joint for possible expansion in the future. I also started and finished under a fitting which made it neat and held it in place.

I've had that little roll work it's way out of a few of these windows in different vans, a bugger to find too, that bit of plastic is a bit fragile, bends easily with the weight of the window on it, but I've not managed to break one yet.

I've realised I never reported back on the Rubber Window Insert Replacement (better titles are available) activity. Very remiss of me. Anyway, I replaced the window seals on all four windows. Found the first one a little tricky but by the time of the second one it was a lot smoother.

Thanks for the top tip about using tape to mark the location of fittings - or in my case I ended up using one of those little yellow crayon thingies from a cycle puncture repair kit.

I noted earlier that one or two people thought the 'insertion tool' wasn't a lot of cop and did it without. My experience was a little better: I found it almost, but not entirely, completely useless. Actually that isn't quite true. I struggled to start with, then got a bit of a hang of it. I actually found the the way to get the best out of it was to use it get the new seal seated/inserted, then keep it held in place and use it to feed the strip through. And then when you reached the limit of what that could do, try and use it conventionally. Anyway, by the end I was finding I could most of the job with it (probably more silicone spray helps as well).

Anyway, I thought it came up rather neat, and the wife was pleased 'cos it had been nagging her for a while. Piccies below, but only of 1 window as that is quite enough piccies of window seal.


well this little dialogue took me over the 10 postings that I wasn't aware were a restriction on free access to the forum. As you can tell from the presence of this post, I am now a paid up member.

I have ordered filler tape off ebay. Seals direct ends up being quite expensive due to prices being shown ex Vat and their delivery charges. Albeit they have by email offered to sell me the 23mm by the metre. Although since I'm ordering sufficient spare to do a non-existent 5th window "just in case" I screw something up the 20m only wouldn't be so far off.

I've also ordered a fitting tool: yes of course it could be done without, but if I'm going to refresh all 4 windows then my time is worth the cost of the tool. It is also from flea bay, supplied by Seals Direct, but ironically is cheaper than if you bought from their site because they are doing zero cost delivery.

I'm only writing this particular post which is full of information no one has an interest in so as to make the most of my new found full membership freedom.........thank you for reading (and of course for your help).
Do you have links to the ebay listings please?

This is the link for the seal. Note that this is 23mm width. There are two standard sizes as far as I'm aware: 23mm and 25mm. So make sure you measure:

This was the ebay listing for sealsdirect's insertion tool (cheaper than buying direct from their website.....)
Good job.

I have the same windows, Liz hasn't noticed them yet, so I'll say nowt.

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