Echo dot Alexa


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Does any one use these devices when travelling
How do you get wi-fi
Can it pick up local hotspot from a mobile?
Does any one use these devices when travelling
How do you get wi-fi
Can it pick up local hotspot from a mobile?
I haven't yet got round to investigating a connection to power mine off 12V supply. I see no reason why it should not connect to a hotspot on your mobile.
If using an Echo Dot also used at home, my preference would be to use the same SSID and password, so that it is not necessary to reconfigure the connection. This is easily done on my Teltonika RUT955.
I have one in the truck. It's the older one that is powered from a USB socket.

The truck has its own WiFi from a mifi device but could be configured to use a hotspot.
Does any one use these devices when travelling
How do you get wi-fi
Can it pick up local hotspot from a mobile?
I have a pair of them in my Motorhome (configured as Stereo speakers, which is possible if you have two identical Echos).
I have a permanent router in the Motorhome but you could set them up to use your phone hotspot (they just need a WiFi connection, so a Mobile Hotspot is as good as any).

I haven't yet got round to investigating a connection to power mine off 12V supply. I see no reason why it should not connect to a hotspot on your mobile.
If using an Echo Dot also used at home, my preference would be to use the same SSID and password, so that it is not necessary to reconfigure the connection. This is easily done on my Teltonika RUT955.
I personally am wary about using 'domestic' devices that are powered via a regulated DC voltage directly on a Motorhome/Camper "12V Supply" that could actually be anything from 11V to 15V at any given time, so I have mine connected via a regulator that provides a set controlled voltage.
If you have that, it is a very simple matter of just cutting the plug off and connecting to the regulated supply.

I have one in the truck. It's the older one that is powered from a USB socket.
I have seen the USB adapters for the Echos and have tried 3 different ones over the years but never seemed to actually work reliably :(
I have seen the USB adapters for the Echos and have tried 3 different ones over the years but never seemed to actually work reliably :(

This is one of the ones with square edges if that makes any sense. Originally supplied with a mains to big USB plug and a cable from that to USB micro. That's just fed from one of the usual round USB sockets in the van and has been fine for years now. I even use the second USB socket to charge my phone at the same time with no problems.
Does any one use these devices when travelling
How do you get wi-fi
Can it pick up local hotspot from a mobile?
I use one of these to power mine and I have a router in the van but I'm sure you can just use you mobile's hospot 🤔

I have had an echo dot in the van a couple of years or more, just plugs into a usb port and connects to my van wifi but it will connect to my phone hotspot if I want it to 👍
I use Echo Auto, it works perfectly and can be moved from vehicle to vehicle. Echo Auto connects to Alexa through the Alexa app on your phone and uses your existing smartphone data plan for connectivity and other features. I use along with a Voxi sim card. If your radio does not have Bluetooth you can buy a Bluetooth adapter (around £18) that plugs into a 12v supply. You sound will then be sent to your vehicle speakers.
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I have had an echo dot in the van a couple of years or more, just plugs into a usb port and connects to my van wifi but it will connect to my phone hotspot if I want it to 👍
Hi Neil, do you know what Generation Echo Dot you have? Mine is a Gen 3 and is 12 volt not USB (5 volt?) 🤔

Yes, I set one up in my van about a year ago, connected by WiFi to a 4g/LTE router, and it's working just fine.

With regard to can it pick up Wifi from a mobile, I can't see why not. You'll need to install the Alexa app on your phone anyway, and all the settings are done from there.

For power I use one of these (hopefully links are allowed, apologies if not) :

HOMELYLIFE DC Voltage Reducer DC 36V 24V 12V to 12V 3A Buck Converter Voltage Regulator (8V-40V to 12V 3A)

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