[FULL] Orkney Adventure 2025 | June 18th - 24th 2025

[FULL] Orkney Adventure 2025 | June 18th - 24th 2025
Posted by Admin
Point of Ness Campsite, Stromness, Orkney
Wednesday, June 18, 2025 - 12:00 PM
Until: Tuesday, June 24, 2025 - 10:00 AM
(Adjusted for timezone: Europe/London)

Upcoming dates
All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/London

Start: Wednesday, June 18, 2025 - 12:00 PM
End: Tuesday, June 24, 2025 - 10:00 AM




New requirements for rallies.

We will require members to provide their vehicle registration number and a mobile contact number to book rallies. These details will only be available to rally organisers and me. No one else will be able to see your details.

There are only 5M pitches remaining for people on the list now.

I am pleased to announce our Orkney Adventure 2025. This will most likely be the last time I run this rally.

This rally will occur at The Point Of Ness Campsite in Stromness between June 18th and 24th of June 2024.

Link to Google Maps showing the campsite

We have the whole campsite booked again for our group (except for four pre-booked pitches) for six nights covering the solstice. The campsite has all the normal facilities.



Pitches are allocated on a first-on-the-list, first-choice basis.

Reserves must accept the pitch within 7 days of the offer, or I will pass the offer on to the next person on the list!

The pitches have varying lengths from 6m to 9m.

The six grass pitches in the middle of the field are approx 6-7m wide (42m for six vans)

You can only book a pitch if your van will fit in it.

Pitch fees

30 EHU pitches, priced at £108.00 for six nights. (£18 per night)
2 EHU SHORT 5M pitches, priced at £780.00 for six nights. (£13 per night) These are by the gate and cannot take vans bigger than a VW transporter.

11 NON-EHU pitches, priced at £78.00 for six nights. (£13 per night)

You must pay for ALL six nights.

Paying for your pitch

You need to pay your pitch fee by bank transfer into the bank account listed below because I have to pay for the campsite from this bank account. Please do not send the money for your pitch until you have one allocated. As I have to pay for the campsite in advance, you will need to pay for your pitch fee in advance. You will get a full refund if you cancel your booking within 60 days of the rally's start (20th April 2024). If you cancel within 60 days, you will receive a full refund if a reserve takes your place.

Your pitch is only confirmed once you have paid!

Bank details:

Bank Name: Lloyds
Account Name: Motorhomer Ltd
Account Number: 61617860
Sort Code: 30-98-26

Please use your forum username and the word Orkney as the reference. (Admin Orkney)

Ferry travel

Two ferries travel to Orkney from the Scottish mainland.

Scrabster to Stromness, operated by Northlink.
Gills Bay to St Margraet's Hope, operated by Pentland Ferries

I cannot tell you the prices for June 2025 as they still need to be listed on their websites.

We have received a 50% discount on passenger and vehicle travel from Northlink Ferries on past rallies, and I will apply again, but I cannot guarantee we will get a discount.

Arriving at the campsite
You can arrive from 2 pm on Wednesday, 198h June 2025.
I will be there to get you parked up and explain the facilities.

Leaving the campsite

You must vacate the campsite (not just your pitch) by 10 am on Tuesday 24th June 2025.
If you need water, grey waste disposal, or the Elsan, do this as early as possible, as lots of people will probably be trying to use these services closer to 10 am!

If you have any questions, please ask.
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Pitch Allocation

Pitches are allocated in the order you joined the list. You CANNOT request a pitch unless you have special needs like using a wheelchair. Once it is your turn you will have the choice of any available pitch.



PON 1YESHard StandingYes7£108.00KevlakesYES
PON 2YESHard StandingYes7£108.00RobinaYES
PON 3YESHard StandingYes7.5£108.00patnlorewatsonYES
PON 4YESHard StandingYes7.5£108.00smokaijoYES
PON 5YESHard StandingYes7.5£108.00Richardhelen262YES
PON 6YESHard StandingYes7.5£108.00Mr & Mrs TupoxYES
PON 7YESHard StandingYes7.5£108.00Tim120YES
PON 8YESHard StandingYes7.5£108.00LivotloutYES
PON 9YESHard StandingYes7.5£108.00Penny13YES
PON 10YESHard StandingYes7.5£108.00Pre-book campsiteX
PON 11YESHard StandingYes7.5£108.00RugbykenYES
PON 12YESHard StandingYes7£108.00SpigotYES
PON 13YESHard StandingYes9£108.00JeffmossyYES
PON 14YESHard StandingYes9£108.00Roaming RadfordsYES
PON 15YESHard StandingYes9£108.00MoonshadowYES
PON 16YESHard StandingYes9£108.00Pre-book campsiteX
PON 17YESGrassYes8£108.00Pre-book campsiteX
PON 19YESHard StandingYes7£108.00StreetSleeperYES
PON 20YESHard StandingYes7£108.00Hotrats13YES
PON 21YESHard StandingYes7£108.00Ian and CathYES
PON 22YESHard StandingYes7£108.00UndertakerYES
PON 23YESHard StandingYes7£108.00MusketeerYES
PON 24YESHard StandingYes7£108.00CampervanannieYES
PON 25YESGrassNo8£78.00Ten Thousand SunsetsYES
PON 26YESGrassNo8£78.00Shaz DazYES
PON 27YESGrassNo8£78.00Birsay61YES
PON 28YESGrassNo8£78.00Denmar
PON 29YESGrassNo8£78.00AndromedaYES
PON 30YESGrassNo8£78.00LeeYES
PON 31YESHard StandingYes6£108.00mariesnowgooseYES
PON 32YESHard StandingYes6£108.00BillyNYES
PON 33YESHard StandingYes6£108.00Fergie1061YES
PON 34YESHard StandingYes6£108.00ReiverladYES
PON 35YESHard StandingYes7£108.00BarneynbluYES
PON 36YESHard StandingYes7£108.00Joy ZigZagYES
PON 37YESHard StandingYes7£108.00BentonAJ
PON 38YESHard StandingYes7£108.00OldBullDogYES
PON 39YESHard StandingYes7£108.00JoncatonYES
PON 40YESHard StandingYes7£108.00The ColliesYES
PON 41YESGrassNo6£78.00MykCamperYES
PON 42YESGrassNo6£78.00RayPhotomanYES
PON 43YESHard StandingNo9£78.00Admin & BexYES
PON 44YESHard StandingNo7£78.00Conversionvirgins
PON 45YESHard StandingNo7£78.00tobysdad
PON 48YESHard StandingYes5£78.00Mark135YES
PON 49YESHard StandingYes5£78.00Camping cavaliers

The List

💲 = Member has paid
✅ = Member has selected their pitch

  1. Admin & Bex (stewards) 💲✅
  2. Ten Thousand Sunsets (stewards) 💲 ✅
  3. Jeffmossy (stewards) 💲✅
  4. Lee (stewards) 💲✅
  5. Moonshadow (stewards) 💲 ✅
  6. Shaz Daz 💲 ✅
  7. andromeda 💲 ✅
  8. smokaijo 💲 ✅
  9. Tobysdad ✅
  10. conversionvirgins ✅
  11. Rugbyken 💲 ✅
  12. Tim120 💲 ✅
  13. Livotlout 💲✅
  14. RichardHelen262💲 ✅
  15. Sipgot 💲 ✅
  16. Penny13 💲 ✅
  17. Ian and cath 💲 ✅
  18. Patnlorewatson 💲✅
  19. Hotrats13 💲 ✅
  20. Joy Zig Zag 💲 ✅
  21. Barneynblu💲 ✅
  22. kevlakes💲 ✅
  23. Musketeer 💲 ✅
  24. Denmar 💲✅✅
  25. Robina 💲 ✅
  26. BillyN 💲✅
  27. Roaming Radfords 💲✅
  28. Streetsleeper 💲 ✅
  29. Reiverlad 💲✅
  30. Fergie1061 💲✅
  31. joncaton 💲 ✅
  32. Undertaker💲✅
  33. MykCamper 💲 ✅
  34. mariesnowgoose 💲✅
  35. Mr & Mrs Tupox 💲 ✅
  36. The Collies💲 ✅
  37. Campervanannie 💲 ✅
  38. BentonAJ (7m) ✅
  39. RayPhotoman ✅ 💲
  40. OldBullDog ✅ 💲
  41. Birsay61 ✅ 💲

5m Pitches
  1. Mark135 ✅ 💲
  2. Camping cavaliers ✅

Reserves List

  1. Tribute11
  2. Mikewroe
  3. Zoe
  4. Exwindsurfer
  5. .
  6. .
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I am pleased to announce our Orkney Adventure 2025. This will most likely be the last time I run this rally.

This rally will occur at The Point Of Ness Campsite in Stromness between June 18th and 24th of June 2024.

Link to Google Maps showing the campsite

We have the whole campsite booked again for our group for six nights covering the solstice. The campsite has all the normal facilities.



Pitches are allocated on a first-on-the-list, first-choice basis.

Reserves must accept the pitch within 7 days of the offer, or I will pass the offer on to the next person on the list!

The pitches have varying lengths from 6m to 9m.

The six grass pitches in the middle of the field are approx 6-7m wide (42m for six vans)

You can only book a pitch if your van will fit in it.

Pitch fees

31 EHU pitches, priced at £108.00 for six nights. (£18 per night)
11 NON-EHU pitches, priced at £78.00 for six nights. (£13 per night)

Paying for your pitch

You need to pay your pitch fee by bank transfer into the bank account listed below because I have to pay for the campsite from this bank account. As I have to pay for the campsite in advance, you will need to pay for your pitch fee in advance before 20th April 2025. You will get a full refund if you cancel your booking within 60 days of the rally's start (20th April 2024). If you cancel within 60 days, you will receive a full refund if a reserve takes your place.

Your pitch is only confirmed once you have paid!

Bank details:

Bank Name: Lloyds
Account Name: Motorhomer Ltd
Account Number: 61617860
Sort Code: 30-98-26

Please use your forum username and the word Orkney as the reference. (Admin Orkney)

Ferry travel

Two ferries travel to Orkney from the Scottish mainland.

Scrabster to Stromness, operated by Northlink.
Gills Bay to St Margraet's Hope, operated by Pentland Ferries

I cannot tell you the prices for June 2025 as they still need to be listed on their websites.

We have received a 50% discount on passenger and vehicle travel from Northlink Ferries on past rallies, and I will apply again, but I cannot guarantee we will get a discount.

Arriving at the campsite
You can arrive from 2 pm on Wednesday, 198h June 2025.
I will be there to get you parked up and explain the facilities.

Leaving the campsite

You must vacate the campsite (not just your pitch) by 10 am on Tuesday 24th June 2025.
If you need water, grey waste disposal, or the Elsan, do this as early as possible, as lots of people will probably be trying to use these services closer to 10 am!

If you have any questions, please ask.
Count us in please.
I am pleased to announce our Orkney Adventure 2025. This will most likely be the last time I run this rally.

This rally will occur at The Point Of Ness Campsite in Stromness between June 18th and 24th of June 2024.

Link to Google Maps showing the campsite

We have the whole campsite booked again for our group for six nights covering the solstice. The campsite has all the normal facilities.



Pitches are allocated on a first-on-the-list, first-choice basis.

Reserves must accept the pitch within 7 days of the offer, or I will pass the offer on to the next person on the list!

The pitches have varying lengths from 6m to 9m.

The six grass pitches in the middle of the field are approx 6-7m wide (42m for six vans)

You can only book a pitch if your van will fit in it.

Pitch fees

31 EHU pitches, priced at £108.00 for six nights. (£18 per night)
11 NON-EHU pitches, priced at £78.00 for six nights. (£13 per night)

Paying for your pitch

You need to pay your pitch fee by bank transfer into the bank account listed below because I have to pay for the campsite from this bank account. As I have to pay for the campsite in advance, you will need to pay for your pitch fee in advance before 20th April 2025. You will get a full refund if you cancel your booking within 60 days of the rally's start (20th April 2024). If you cancel within 60 days, you will receive a full refund if a reserve takes your place.

Your pitch is only confirmed once you have paid!

Bank details:

Bank Name: Lloyds
Account Name: Motorhomer Ltd
Account Number: 61617860
Sort Code: 30-98-26

Please use your forum username and the word Orkney as the reference. (Admin Orkney)

Ferry travel

Two ferries travel to Orkney from the Scottish mainland.

Scrabster to Stromness, operated by Northlink.
Gills Bay to St Margraet's Hope, operated by Pentland Ferries

I cannot tell you the prices for June 2025 as they still need to be listed on their websites.

We have received a 50% discount on passenger and vehicle travel from Northlink Ferries on past rallies, and I will apply again, but I cannot guarantee we will get a discount.

Arriving at the campsite
You can arrive from 2 pm on Wednesday, 198h June 2025.
I will be there to get you parked up and explain the facilities.

Leaving the campsite

You must vacate the campsite (not just your pitch) by 10 am on Tuesday 24th June 2025.
If you need water, grey waste disposal, or the Elsan, do this as early as possible, as lots of people will probably be trying to use these services closer to 10 am!

If you have any questions, please ask.
Please can we get EHU just to be on safe side with my chair .
Pitch Allocation

View attachment 74560

View attachment 74559

PON 1Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 2Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 3Hard StandingYes7.5£108.00
PON 4Hard StandingYes7.5£108.00
PON 5Hard StandingYes7.5£108.00
PON 6Hard StandingYes7.5£108.00
PON 7Hard StandingYes7.5£108.00
PON 8Hard StandingYes7.5£108.00
PON 9Hard StandingYes7.5£108.00
PON 10YESHard StandingYes7.5£108.00Pre-book campsite
PON 11Hard StandingYes7.5£108.00
PON 12Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 13Hard StandingYes9£108.00
PON 14Hard StandingYes9£108.00
PON 15Hard StandingYes9£108.00
PON 16YESHard StandingYes9£108.00Pre-book campsite
PON 17YESGrassYes8£108.00Pre-book campsite
PON 19Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 20Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 21Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 22Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 23Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 24Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 25GrassNo8£78.00
PON 26GrassNo8£78.00
PON 27GrassNo8£78.00
PON 28GrassNo8£78.00
PON 29GrassNo8£78.00
PON 30GrassNo8£78.00
PON 31Hard StandingYes6£108.00
PON 32Hard StandingYes6£108.00
PON 33Hard StandingYes6£108.00
PON 34Hard StandingYes6£108.00
PON 35Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 36Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 37Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 38Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 39Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 40Hard StandingYes7£108.00
PON 41GrassNo6£78.00
PON 42GrassNo6£78.00
PON 43Hard StandingNo9£78.00
PON 44Hard StandingNo7£78.00
PON 45Hard StandingNo7£78.00
PON 48Hard StandingYes5£108.00
PON 49Hard StandingYes5£108.00

The List

  1. Admin & Bex (stewards)
  2. Ten Thousand Sunsets (stewards)
  3. Jeffmossy (stewards)
  4. Lee (stewards)
  5. frank n sense
  6. Shaz Daz
  7. andromeda
  8. smokaijo
  9. Tobysdad
  10. conversionvirgins
  11. Rugbyken
  12. Tim120
  13. Livotlout
  14. RichardHelen262
  15. Sipgot
  16. Penny13
  17. Ian and cath
  18. Patnlorewatson
  19. RegnVal
Yes please Phill, same pitch as last time,next to Ian n Cath if thay dinna mind, so as i can cuddle the dug.