The lurgy returns


Full Member

The gift that keeps on giving. Nearly early 5 years since the first lockdown. The world has never been the same. We travelled to Canada last week via Iceland and noticed a lot of people in the airport and on the aircraft wearing masks. I thought they were just being over protective but two days after we got home Christina started feeling ill thought a cold or something but she’s gradually got worse done a Test and it’s positive for Covid that’s the third time she’s took it and took it bad. I have it but have no symptoms same as before tested positive but not even a runny nose. Strange how it effects people differently.
Bad news, Big Man.
Treat this one with respect,

We picked one up, in June, 22.
During a busy, well planned 3 week tour of family and friends.
To celebrate a milestone anniversary.
We'd booked hotels and 1st class rail travel.
Alas, when we arrived, The train drivers were only working 3 days a week.
Some philanthropist decided that pig class passengers could upgrade, for £ 10.

So the carriage was rammed with coughing, sneezing, wheezing. Folk, happy to stand up in first class.
We were masked, but some oaf , Sitting back to back with us, hacked , hoiked and sneezed incessantly.
By the time we reached Leeds, for the big, weekend, we felt lousy.
There was a huge vase of flowers in the hotel room.
By the morning, we'd blamed them for pollen and put them outside the room door.
2 days later, THE BIG DAY, We tested positive.
Cancelled the rest of our trip and stayed ,isolated, until we checked negative, adding 3 extra weekend nights to our bill.
There was test match cricket at Headingley so the nightly rates were horrendous.

We are still suffering the long term Covid effects and sold our country cottage, The Hovel, a complete change of lifestyle., and now living in an apartment, in a small, pleasant town, 16 .miles North of Faro.
All facilities are within a 15 minute stagger and Ubers are on hand, and cheaper,with fewer hassles than. Running a car. We are Improving, but slowly.

So the message is:

Don't try to buck, or ignore this one.
You have gotta give in and surrender until you are clear of this bastard....
Avoid picking fresh infections.. Your immune systems will be weakened for some time ahead.
You're obviously a great organiser so organise you lives to avoid the pitfalls.
Good luck to both of you.
The gift that keeps on giving. Nearly early 5 years since the first lockdown. The world has never been the same. We travelled to Canada last week via Iceland and noticed a lot of people in the airport and on the aircraft wearing masks. I thought they were just being over protective but two days after we got home Christina started feeling ill thought a cold or something but she’s gradually got worse done a Test and it’s positive for Covid that’s the third time she’s took it and took it bad. I have it but have no symptoms same as before tested positive but not even a runny nose. Strange how it effects people differently.
Hope she is better soon - I have noticed quite a few of my hospital appointments saying wear a mask 😷
Sorry to hear this, I hope Christine gets better soon and you don't get any worse.
It must have been a bit of a downer on the trip.
Chin up and keep going.
Lee and Linda.
Hi Lee she’s still feeling pretty crap but nothing too serious there’s always an upside she has a bit of a sore throat so not saying too much👌glad she doesn’t read this 😉Looks like she caught it on the return flight. I’m fine not as much as a sneeze been out measuring up jobs but staying clear of people.
You love sailing close to the wind but as you say there's always a silver lining.
We're at Newhaven waiting for the ferry, I hope no-one has the lurgy on the boat. ⛵
You love sailing close to the wind but as you say there's always a silver lining.
We're at Newhaven waiting for the ferry, I hope no-one has the lurgy on the boat. ⛵
Safe trip and enjoy it all the best to Linda and yourself Lee
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Blimey Wully! We hope she feels tip top very soon. Things have changed for us since the outbreak. We do try and avoid crowds, we don't wear masks, but would do in a tight space. Thank heavens for the old motorhome.
Best wishes to you both.