12v from leisure battery


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12v from leisure battery

Are adapters available for 12vtv socket to enable phone and mobile charging as dash usb sockets seem only to work with engine running?
You probably have DIN sockets on ths habitation 12v outlets. Look for a DIN plug to lighter socket adaptor or bu a DIN plug usb charger.

note: DIN plugs are also known as Hella plugs.
Will the habitation tv 12 volt be the se as the car charger - Ciggy socket then?
They aren't the same on most (any?) european vans, not sure about UK vans, hence the need for a DIN (Hella) usb plug. If you already have a ciggy socket usb plug (like the one 2cv llinked to) then you could use it with an adaptor lead. Try pushing your cig lighter into the tv socket, if it doesn't fit then your tv socket is a din socket. If you do have a din socket in the hab area I would just get the din plug usb charger like this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3-Amp-Mot...QkAAOSw2GlXDfN
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