A Family do and one that’s gone and spoilt it all


Full Member

We just had a birthday bash for a family member .
Another family member was using an I pad to make a vide that could be saved and sent to the person that’s bash it was.

Now we have a stroppy 16 year old that says he does not want to be seen in this video.
To be honest he is in it a lot nothing we can do about that .
So the stroppy so and so is saying that if we send the video it is an infringement of his privacy and against his human rights if he appears in it.

So working out what’s left if we edit out mr stroppy there’s next to nothing left.

Is there a video edit thing that just blurs our mr stupids face and leaves the full video this is for an Apple I Mac or iPad .

Seems a shame to delete it all now. If he had said before it would have been easier to omit him.
Personally I'd tell them to do one and get over themselves ....however .

I am of the same opinion. However, to answer the OP: it's a balls-acher, but it's something that can be done (to a portion of the image rather than to a specific object) with the free version of VSDC (pixellation if nothing else). I suspect the paid version might have more. You can get VSDC from https://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor/download
The video was filmed to help create memories for whosever birthday it was. Ask him/her if they would like a copy of the video, and if they say yes either suggest to Mr Siily that he should get over himself or tell him he is responsible for ruining Birthday boys’ memories. Lay some guilt down in front of him and check if he feels comfortable about coming to the next party. Make sure he knows that you will definitely be filming the celebrations!
I wouldn’t even enter into negotiations with this wee knob because that’s what he wants attention they thrive on this type of thing nothing better than confrontation it suits there boring wee life’s and gives them a feeling of importance. I’d ignore him do what you want because if you don’t what’s next. He definitely wouldn’t be going to any more parties. Or a swift kick in the bollocks usually works.😜
I am of the same opinion. However, to answer the OP: it's a balls-acher, but it's something that can be done (to a portion of the image rather than to a specific object) with the free version of VSDC (pixellation if nothing else). I suspect the paid version might have more. You can get VSDC from https://www.videosoftdev.com/free-video-editor/download
Thanks it worth a try I will look when we’re Bach home.
QUOTE="Wully, post: 316908, member: 53"]
I wouldn’t even enter into negotiations with this wee knob because Or a swift kick in the bollocks usually works.😜

Sorry, Wully
But I found certain of your words offensive.
As I probably won't meet you face to face again,
I'll have to ask someone to give you that swift kick in the bollox.
On my behalf.
I'll pay good money for a video of the event.
From what I understand from similar discussions on the forums, on the topic of cctv, photography and filming is,
That filming in public is allowable and no one can object. The problem arises if the pictures or film are published in the public domain. Permissions are then required.
My reading of the original post is, that, you are creating a memory for the sole viewing (offline) of the party recipient. Assuming they don’t hold viewings for all and sundry, then surely the law is not broken.
I of course bow to any more accurate knowledge that any members can offer.

Here is a reply from an AI programme

Respecting someone's privacy is important. Here's what you can do about the video:

1. Talk to the Person:

  • Have a polite conversation with the person who doesn't want to be in the video. Explain the situation and apologize for any inconvenience.
  • Ask them how they'd like the situation handled. Here are some options:
    • Remove them: You can edit the video to remove them entirely. Video editing software often has blurring or masking tools you can use to obscure their face.
    • Remake the video (if possible): If the unwanted person features prominently, consider remaking the video without them, focusing on other party moments.

2. Respect their Wishes:

  • If they don't want to be in the video at all, don't share it anywhere they might be seen. This includes social media,messaging apps, or cloud storage.
  • Consider deleting the video altogether, especially if it can't be edited without compromising the quality or memory of the party.

3. Avoid Future Issues:

  • Ask for consent: Before filming anyone at a party, especially children, ask their permission (or their parent's permission) to be included in a video. You can explain it's just a fun memory for the group.
  • Offer an opt-out: Let people know they can let you know if they'd prefer not to be filmed.

Additional Tips:

  • If you're unsure about someone's feelings on being filmed, it's always best to err on the side of caution and not include them.
  • You can create a separate "highlights" video that focuses on wider shots and doesn't capture individuals as prominently.

By being respectful and understanding, you can ensure everyone enjoys the birthday memories without compromising someone's privacy.
WTF is the world coming to when we resort to asking a computer for life skill advice. I was only joking when I said kick him in the nuts. But honestly what you have just done is in my book is as bad as he’s done sounds like you two need to go on the Jerry springer show.😉
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I belong to a group, and before any newbie joins they are 'invited' to sign a waver for the taking and publishing of images.

Unsurprisingly, no-one has ever objected, but if they had, then they would not become members in the first place.
WTF is the world coming to when we resort to asking a computer for life skill advice. I was only joking when I said kick him in the nuts. But honestly what you have just done is in my book is as bad as he’s done sounds like you two need to go on the Jerry springer show.😉
AI is going to happen and is used in everyday applications and as far as I can see there’s going to be no stopping it.
Already it is used on Facebook and a lot of other sites and commercial uses as well.

AI is already helping to build computers and phones that with out doubt You will use without even knowing it .
I guess some people said the same about computers and the internet .. but it here and we’re using it.

I ask an Ai programme a lot of questions. Just like some Used to use a reference book.or online wiki reference .

Medical staff are also trained using Ai. So maybe the blinkers off and let Tech again take the lead.

Modern jets now are starting to use AI as well now
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Check the age limits for children, I think at 16 there is no problem in public.

If one of mine said this I would film whatever I wanted then plaster it on social media to wind them up. No way would I pander to this woke/pc crap that’s getting pushed these days. Think Wully had the right idea joke or not 😂😂
Or a them :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Is it a lack of strong role models nowadays, we had men and we had wimmin and if you wanted to be one of the other you were forced to keep quiet by the then society.
Yes got one in our distant family likes selfies as a girly and a boy so still not decided .
AI is going to happen and is used in everyday applications and as far as I can see there’s going to be no stopping it.
Already it is used on Facebook and a lot of other sites and commercial uses as well.

AI is already helping to build computers and phones that with out doubt You will use without even knowing it .
I guess some people said the same about computers and the internet .. but it here and we’re using it.

I ask an Ai programme a lot of questions. Just like some Used to use a reference book.or online wiki reference .

Medical staff are also trained using Ai. So maybe the blinkers off and let Tech again take the lead.

Modern jets now are starting to use AI as well now
TBH, this subject worries me. AI is very good at 'pattern matching' analysis and providing answers that stand a high chance of being correct. However, that high chance is by no means 100% and every answer so provided should (must IMO) be checked for veracity!

That said, I have a horrible foreboding that AI will become self aware. We've already seen science fiction predicting the future (e.g. Arthur C Clark predicted geostationary communications satellites decades before they became reality; Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek inspired and predicted both the mobile phone and PMR.) If AI becomes self aware, it could follow the plot of 'Terminator' as it recognises that humanity is the biggest threat to its existence. We're already seeing AI acting similar to that portrayed in "The Demolition Man" ("John Spartan, you are fined X credits for violation of the verbal morality code"). Primarily, this is related to ANPR and automated speeding, parking, mobile phone use, seat belts, etc. infringement but companies like Meta and Clearview have been busy collecting billions of images for use in facial recognition... We're also seeing 'AI' embodied in autonomous vehicles behaving sub-optimally and ADAS features (like lane assist) causing accidents. I just hope that Isaac Asimov was correct in his "I Robot" series and that AI will have something like the three laws of robotics hard-wired in!

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