A Family do and one that’s gone and spoilt it all

Murder, death, kill.
QUOTE="Wully, post: 316908, member: 53"]
I wouldn’t even enter into negotiations with this wee knob because Or a swift kick in the bollocks usually works.😜

Sorry, Wully
But I found certain of your words offensive.
As I probably won't meet you face to face again,
I'll have to ask someone to give you that swift kick in the bollox.
On my behalf.
I'll pay good money for a video of the event.
Geezus, wish I had seen this earlier, I could have made a few Bob 😂
Has he said why? If you know that you may be able to talk him round. Before anyone makes snowflake comments at me I have learnt and am still learning that once the ranting from a teen is over you can often have a sensible conversation that can resolve an issue if you talk to them with respect. Don't forget a teenager having a rant is like a 2 year with more verbal skills ( a bit like an old codger really).
Good luck; hope you get it sorted
Has he said why? If you know that you may be able to talk him round. Before anyone makes snowflake comments at me I have learnt and am still learning that once the ranting from a teen is over you can often have a sensible conversation that can resolve an issue if you talk to them with respect. Don't forget a teenager having a rant is like a 2 year with more verbal skills ( a bit like an old codger really).
Good luck; hope you get it sorted
We’re going to leave it a while and then ask again. As you said it’s most likely a rant ..
If you were in a place that you were in charge of (such as renting a hall or at the home of someone who has given permission or in a public space) he has no say. I can take pictures of anyone or anything I want from a public place or with the permission of the owner/renter. Someone alluded to the age, but that makes no difference. People taking snaps or video on holiday do not go around everyone in shot and get a release form signed and publishing on social media is fine.

It is when it is a professional for profit shot that anyone who could be identified has to give permission. No one can ask you to delete video or photos without a court order. The police or anyone else cannot force you to show them the pictures. On private land (such as a shopping centre or precinct) you can be asked to leave and may not be allowed back. But unless an offence is suspected, nothing anyone can do.
We just posted the video on line for family only.
So far he has said nothing he’s not spoken to me but I did get a message to him saying do what you have to do. if can afford to do so.
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If you were in a place that you were in charge of (such as renting a hall or at the home of someone who has given permission or in a public space) he has no say. I can take pictures of anyone or anything I want from a public place or with the permission of the owner/renter. Someone alluded to the age, but that makes no difference. People taking snaps or video on holiday do not go around everyone in shot and get a release form signed and publishing on social media is fine.

It is when it is a professional for profit shot that anyone who could be identified has to give permission. No one can ask you to delete video or photos without a court order. The police or anyone else cannot force you to show them the pictures. On private land (such as a shopping centre or precinct) you can be asked to leave and may not be allowed back. But unless an offence is suspected, nothing anyone can do.
It was me alluded to age I think. I wasn’t saying you couldn’t take the pics but not necessarily advisable taking pics of children these days unless your own relatives. The world isn’t what it was lol
It was me alluded to age I think. I wasn’t saying you couldn’t take the pics but not necessarily advisable taking pics of children these days unless your own relatives. The world isn’t what it was lol
It was never what it was Niel, like tomorrow never comes, I had a GF like that.
Wully said:
I wouldn’t even enter into negotiations with this wee knob because Or a swift kick in the bollocks usually works.

Wully said:
😜Sorry, Wully
But I found certain of your words offensive.
As I probably won't meet you face to face again,
I'll have to ask someone to give you that swift kick in the bollox.
On my behalf.
I'll pay good money for a video of the event.
It might be a good idea to talk to Christine, she will probably do it for nothing🤣

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