Mate bought the ALDE bits from Southdowns , but i think may have been a bit cheaper
He bought alde heat exchanger with the bleed and isolation valve, fitting kit and two 90 bends one with a bleed valve a metre of 22mm alde black hose and some 22mm clamps
The engine heater hose ( ) was 19mm and he used 19 mm brass tee’s to cut into engine coolant system and 19 to 16mm brass straight reducing couplers at the heat exchanger as the heat exchanger is 22mm on alde side and 16 mm on engine side
We couldn’t determine coolant flow direction as both sides got hot at same time so just connected up and hoped for the best , working great and still not able to decide engine coolant direction of flow
Yes we drained down the alde system , but didnt purge it once the head of coolant was drained out we were able to remove a bend hose with minimal coolant leakage
Didn’t look at swift HE location but the pipes went up into the camper floor in about same place as we had fitted them
So basically in the near side corner of the camper wooden floor behind passenger seat and fuel tank / filler
Photos will follow when i get them
the engine side we just clamped the hoses either side of the cuts to fit the tees , filled up heater hose down to heat exchanger before making tee connections