Alcoutim Aire


Full Member

We are on the old Alcoutim Aire night 6 tonight long time for us but sooo nice here, free , water toilet dump and shade around 22 degs here daily so good to have shade To our left is Spain and the Guadian River and to our right the Alcoutim town all down hill, shop here sells everthing we need except fresh milk but we have got used to UHT again good stand by, egg lady and veg van calls as and when, ferry across to Spain if wanted 4.5 Es return, Easter festivities here marching clown band and lots of cake and honey stalls lots of kids entertainmen too. Bars and cafes busy and glorious sunshine throughout, we are reluctantly leaving 2 morro for Ayemonte Spain to try the Free Marina Aire fingers crossed but hey ho what happens happens. Gas bottle emptied today so will get a fill up at Ayamonte when there love the refillables spare bottle now in service, we are on day 46 now plan to go to Rota and Cadiz later and hope for a couple nights at El Rocio on route love it there wild camped, 7 15 pm now sat in the sun at the van drinking expensive white wine 80 cents a litre, thanks to our big?? State pension rise?? We hope? Hee hee. New Aire here at Alcoutim nice but soul less will be pay too I think as lecky and individual pitches nice view over the sewage works with open tanks visible used to be the Cemetery parking place, hope they do not close this old aire though? It is the best.

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Alcoutim. It’s a bit special isn’t it?
Rob (Hayhiker) and I are leaving a (not now, so secret) location near Mertola, on Wednesday morning, heading for another spot near Saville, and leaving there Thursday/ Friday, returning to Rota, Friday/Saturday .
Bear in mind, Rota is now a €5 per night,ON the arie. While off road parking around the aire remains free. Your choice entirely.
If we meet up. It’ll be nice to put a face to a name
is that you jimmy ! seville not saville , we went Rota on the way over parking now is all over all surrounding streets there were about a dozen on the car park of the peri peri restaurant down the road no payments being made but there again tends to all change at easter
is that you jimmy ! seville not saville , we went Rota on the way over parking now is all over all surrounding streets there were about a dozen on the car park of the peri peri restaurant down the road no payments being made but there again tends to all change at easter
Okay. Seville. Just wait until you get a spelling mistake. Oh, by the way, capital letter’s are available.
We got to Ayamonte today tried the Marina aire again NO. signs at barrier said no Motorhomes and would not open, but a local used a card to let us in, drove around acres of space but not one Motorhomes in there so we drove out again or tried to,,exit barrier would not open but another local behind us in a car let us out again, trying to reverse at the entrance barrier is a dangerous act as cars and pedestrians every where, avoid this one for sure, pretty sure it will be closed down for good anyway, we parked at another parking place, the market ground. Had a good wander round the town and had a Chinese meal for lunch, super meal and so much food we got a doggie bag and brought the remainder back to our van . 25 euros with drinks, water only, but so much food, I over ordered as usual hee hee, now back at Castro Marim aire so easy over here to wander about in the van 22 degs again today phew,

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