All engine oil lost driving home from service

No worry on that score I’ve been telling everyone I meet all the time about how the Block Exemption Regs means garages cannot renege on warranty because they didn’t service it. ....
Going to throw one caveat into this statement... this is for the legal warranty period and not any extended warranty periods. If you buy a manufacturers extended warranty, the company can insist it is serviced within their dealership network otherwise that is voided.
"To preserve your car’s Toyota Extended Warranty, it will need to be serviced at an Authorised Toyota Service Centre at least once a year or more frequently if the mileage is high. That means the car will only ever be worked on by Toyota technicians using genuine Toyota parts. We’ll know it’s been cared for to the highest possible standard, giving us the confidence to keep extending the warranty right up until the car’s 10th birthday. "
I know you stated Warranty but it is easy for people to either not differentiate between standard and extended warranties or assume the Block Exemption (which has been in place for Decades I think?) covers both.
Going to throw one caveat into this statement... this is for the legal warranty period and not any extended warranty periods. If you buy a manufacturers extended warranty, the company can insist it is serviced within their dealership network otherwise that is voided.
"To preserve your car’s Toyota Extended Warranty, it will need to be serviced at an Authorised Toyota Service Centre at least once a year or more frequently if the mileage is high. That means the car will only ever be worked on by Toyota technicians using genuine Toyota parts. We’ll know it’s been cared for to the highest possible standard, giving us the confidence to keep extending the warranty right up until the car’s 10th birthday. "
I know you stated Warranty but it is easy for people to either not differentiate between standard and extended warranties or assume the Block Exemption (which has been in place for Decades I think?) covers both.

Yes, difficulties can arise where for example there is an initial 2 year warranty from the manufacturer followed by further warranty by the importer or seperate arrangement. In this case the block exemption may not apply to the later part of the warranty which may have it’s own conditions such as main dealer servicing. Article

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