Anyone remember Blockbusters?

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

I just came across an old episode on YouTube and thought I'd see if it was still available.

It's on the Challenge channel at 4pm on Thursdays.

Can I have a P please Bob?
Nah they went t*ts up in the mids 90s, maybe Netflix killed them off.
Nah they went t*ts up in the mids 90s, maybe Netflix killed them off.
I think it was pre Netflix, Kev. IIRC, a postal service Video/DVD business started up, stole the Blockbuster market, and was then taken over wuite quickly by Amazon for an early streaming service, initially alongside the traditional rentals by post. But the memory is hazy, so the detail is likely to be a little flakey/very flakey!

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Netflix started in 97 so might have been the first nail in their coffin.

But back to the TV program.
I think it was pre Netflix, Kev. IIRC, a postal service Video/DVD business started up, stole the Blockbuster market, and was then taken over wuite quickly by Amazon for an early streaming service, initially alongside the traditional rentals by post. But the memory is hazy, so the detail is likely to be a little flakey/very flakey!

That was "Lovefilm" IRRC? think Amazon actually started it, sold it then bought it back and then sold/closed it when the idea of renting physical media died and streaming became a practical reality. (those days when you paid for "unlimited broadband" and got an email over 'misuse' when you used over 1GB in a month!)

I used to use Lovefilm. It was a great service I thought. Ripped the DVD to the PC if I was not ready to watch it when it arrived.
Netflix started in 97 so might have been the first nail in their coffin.

But back to the TV program.
I'll have a P please Bob indeed.

Yes, remember it well. never found it that exciting TBH and the contestants always seemed to be Oxbridge candidates.
I just like quizzes, we watch old Millionaire nearly every night, Shame they picked that Tw*t Tarrant with no talent to host it, all he does is make snide comments and put people off when they actually think they know the answer, more than once he's made them change their mind and gone for the wrong one.
I just like quizzes, we watch old Millionaire nearly every night, Shame they picked that Tw*t Tarrant with no talent to host it, all he does is make snide comments and put people off when they actually think they know the answer, more than once he's made them change their mind and gone for the wrong one.
not a Tarrent fan either. he is a bit like a bargain price Clarkson (an even worse choice for the 'millionaire' reboot. makes it unwatchable).

my OH knows when I am watching a quiz (also a big fan) as she hears me shouting at the TV :)
Now I'm not a fan of Clarkson but I don't mind him if he isn't being a buffoon, granted he usually is but is more restrained on Millionaire.
'You'd have to mental not to Radio Rental' as the pre-PC advert used to procaim :rolleyes:

it would have been in the late 70's I remenber my sister and her best friend rented a house in Reading and there was the typical electric meter in it.
But what was most odd - and I still don't know how come - was when the elecricity ran out, the lights and power went as you would expect, but ... the TV would carry on working, albeit with no picture - you could continue listening to whatever you had been watching :unsure: (handy as you didn't miss anything while you looked for another 10p coin :) ).

my mum was on a bit of a tight budget generally and in the early 70's, not only did we rent a TV, but it was still black & white (fair enough at the time), plus it was a used model to save a bit of money AND was a portable size (12" or 14").
AllI can say is "kids these days ........" :oops:o_O;):rolleyes::)
We brought up the kids to be needy, lippy and toasters.
it would have been in the late 70's I remenber my sister and her best friend rented a house in Reading and there was the typical electric meter in it.
But what was most odd - and I still don't know how come - was when the elecricity ran out, the lights and power went as you would expect, but ... the TV would carry on working, albeit with no picture - you could continue listening to whatever you had been watching :unsure: (handy as you didn't miss anything while you looked for another 10p coin :) ).

my mum was on a bit of a tight budget generally and in the early 70's, not only did we rent a TV, but it was still black & white (fair enough at the time), plus it was a used model to save a bit of money AND was a portable size (12" or 14").
AllI can say is "kids these days ........" :oops:o_O;):rolleyes::)
I remember getting a 'merit increase' over and above the general payrise around 1978/79 and I lashed out on the purchase for cash [working in the Bank and not allowed any external borrowing, but there were always ways of getting round the prohibition ...] of a 14 inch Black & White portable telly for £59.95; and, when the portable broke, I 'fell down stairs with it, carrying it from bedroom to lounge' and claimed on the Contents Insurance ... But what luxury, moving from a 12 inch to a 14 inch screen .... :ROFLMAO:

We were the second people in Ballymoney town to have a tv, black and white, when we move to Glengormley we had a pie up to 68 and then rented a colour to my g dad died, bought a new one then with a remote control, when things went digital and my gran died we gave up on tellies. ;)

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