Attention all dog owners/dog carers


Rally Organiser

We’ve had some disgusting irresponsible behaviour here at Strawberry Fields this weekend. The bus stop to Lymington is the driveway entrance to a private residence. The owner came over this morning to complain about the poo bags that had been left by her driveway, one had even been put untied into her then empty rubbish bin yesterday as well. Same poo bag likely by the same person who left the stinky untied one there again this morning along with another tied one. This SELFISH behaviour is putting this venue at risk for everyone not just dog owners! It was very embarrassing for us when the lady came over to speak to us she was very incensed and disappointed at our behaviour, we are all being tarred with the same brush!
I totally agree with full poo bags left on the ground. Me personally, I would not bother with poo bags deposited within my landfill rubbish bin, better in a bin than left bagged on the ground. Just my thoughts.

Edit, why don’t the council put a bin at the bus stop?
I totally agree with full poo bags left on the ground. Me personally, I would not bother with poo bags deposited within my landfill rubbish bin, better in a bin than left bagged on the ground. Just my thoughts.

Edit, why don’t the council put a bin at the bus stop?
there’s no actual bus stop sign, the stop is rarely used as it’s so rural - that’s how I know it was us. The lady was annoyed that the poo bag in her bin wasn’t tied up so the contents were not contained and it stank. The waste had just been collected so it was empty so no other rubbish in there to cushion the poo bag
I totally agree with full poo bags left on the ground. Me personally, I would not bother with poo bags deposited within my landfill rubbish bin, better in a bin than left bagged on the ground. Just my thoughts.

Edit, why don’t the council put a bin at the bus stop?
Not noticed up there Terry but they do down here in some boroughs.
Our upstairs neighbours, not content with letting their leaking shower produce black mould spores all over our bedroom wall, have expanded their repertoire to allow their dog to crap all over the shared path, and a private path to our garden. We have reported them to Environmental Health for anti-social behaviour and health risks. That is how seriously allowing indiscriminate dog shitting can become. If there is a further episode, the dog crap will be spread all over their door step and door handles, because they do not respond to any social norms of deceny and consideration

Feeling for you Sue, this is unnecessary and unacceptable. You could try putting a bigger label on the Dog Litter Bin!
Let’s hope this thread pricks somebodys’ conscience before it happens again!
there’s no actual bus stop sign, the stop is rarely used as it’s so rural - that’s how I know it was us. The lady was annoyed that the poo bag in her bin wasn’t tied up so the contents were not contained and it stank. The waste had just been collected so it was empty so no other rubbish in there to cushion the poo bag
Ah ok, I understand better now. At least the culprit could have knotted the bag, hard bit done getting the poo in the bag. And as Roger mentioned, larger sign at the bin on site.

Me personally, if I can’t find a proper bin to deposit poo bag, it comes with us back to our camper.

Common sense does not prevail.
Sorry but we clean up after an our dogs every time in to the doggy bags and we bring it back with us .
Wherever we are . Motor homing or just out for the day or daily walks.

Seen many others that don’t. Even seen things like in post number 1 .
Still so long as we carry on doing what we do we’re never have any bother..
Maybe the site owner should be responsible as its his site's customers causing the problem
It’s not ‘a site’ per se. There’s nothing to attach a bin to, an unofficial stop an the entrance to 3 houses’ drives
Ah ok, I understand better now. At least the culprit could have knotted the bag, hard bit done getting the poo in the bag. And as Roger mentioned, larger sign at the bin on site.

Me personally, if I can’t find a proper bin to deposit poo bag, it comes with us back to our camper.

Common sense does not prevail.
Us too - no public bin, take it home !
As Martin said to us, the problem was that the owners walked from the site to the bus stop and somewhere on that short walk, the dog had to go. They bagged it which is good, but then obviously did not want to take it with them on the bus so they left it there. What should then have happened is that after returning on the bus, thery should have crossed the road to retrieve the bag to take back to the site.
As for dumping a bag in the owners bin without sealing it, that is weird and thoughtless.
Is there any law about putting stuff in a householder's bin regardless of what it is?
Sorry but we clean up after an our dogs every time in to the doggy bags and we bring it back with us .
Wherever we are . Motor homing or just out for the day or daily walks.

Seen many others that don’t. Even seen things like in post number 1 .
Still so long as we carry on doing what we do we’re never have any bother..
25% of the problem could be avoided by those dog owners that see this disgusting habit take place and comment to the offenders - knowing they've been seen doing it might just prick their concious to deal with it properly?

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