Attention all dog owners/dog carers

25% of the problem could be avoided by those dog owners that see this disgusting habit take place and comment to the offenders - knowing they've been seen doing it might just prick their concious to deal with it properly?
And possibly need hospital treatment, not a good idea, it might be better to just pick it up and dispose of it.
We are owners of 3 exceptionally well loved and cared for Springer Spaniels, when we are out and about we always know exactly where they are and what they are up to. We are also owners of mobile phones and when out walking they are always left in our pockets and they aren't answered when they ring, unlike so many dog owners we see whose dogs are running quite literally everywhere doing heaven knows what whilst their owners have their heads buried, eye locked onto their (bloody) phones!!!

Whenever we see poo left by other dogs on what we term as the 'piste' we always pick it up as otherwise it is very likely to be trodden in by other people or indeed their dogs, we then place these bags into a suitable bin when we pass them.

We can fully understand why there are more and more people fed up with dogs, but it isn't the poor dogs fault, it is THEIR BLOODY OWNERS!!!!!!

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