
Rally Organiser

The Council after 39 years has now stopped Manor Farm from having rallies in the big field we usually go in. We will now be using the adjacent field which is smaller and for this reason the pitches will be marked out, sadly.

The entrance to this slightly smaller field is not the same one that we used last year. So, when you arrive please watch out for the Motorhomer signs directing you to the correct entrance.

Thanks for your cooperation, looking forward to seeing you all.

Sue & Martin
which field will we be using the one above the old site or the town end of the same field ?
Same field but on the bank - DO NOT USE the old entrance to the field but follow the signs
Thanks for heads up.

I'm surprised the Council can do that if we have a Natural England exemption rally certificate and comply with the terms of the certificate eg Leave in 5 days and all the other conditions too numerous to mention. Under what planning power can they say no?

It just sounds dubious to me in legal terms.

Edit. I Just read up on it and they can apply for a block on an area under selection 3.4 of the exemption guidance which is paragraph 13 of the 1960 Caravan site and permitted development act. This would not be in perpetuity though. The block has to be applied for every year and advertised in local newspapers 3 months in advance. Provided they did all that, they have a temporary waiver for the exemption on a defined piece of land. They would have to repeat the process every year though. Should they wish to maintain the waiver. It's complicated... as they also should have a valid objection. I can't think what that would be as we are always very well behaved and the whole area has a long history of temporary sites in July/August.
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Think it’s something to do with motorhomes and caravans causing the potholes. Ummm! More likely to be those great juggernauts that trundle through!
Oh dear. Well that's not a very valid excuse because we shall still all be coming to the area, just in a different field! Same if someone said it spoiled their view for 5 days. That's not really valid either.

Only reasons could be if we made noise late at night or left litter over the area, that would detract from the amenity. But as far as I have experienced Motorhomer and WC rallies have been very well organised and marshalled within the terms of Natural England guidelines, so I'm scratching my head.

In fact, last year, I saw great benefit to the local community in terms of footfall in pubs and shops.
Oh dear. Well that's not a very valid excuse because we shall still all be coming to the area, just in a different field! Same if someone said it spoiled their view for 5 days. That's not really valid either.

Only reasons could be if we made noise late at night or left litter over the area, that would detract from the amenity. But as far as I have experienced Motorhomer and WC rallies have been very well organised and marshalled within the terms of Natural England guidelines, so I'm scratching my head.

In fact, last year, I saw great benefit to the local community in terms of footfall in pubs and shops.

The village is bemoaning the potential loss of income! Have passed your previous comment on to the owner, he is doing battle with the council. The whole thing is rather weird but he has to do as he is told. Perhaps the campsite next door didn't like our proximity?
You never know, but we wouldn't be in competition with the campsite due to the nature of our organisation.

If you are in contact with the owner and he is not in agreement with the council get him to ask if the council have applied for a paragraph 13 withdrawal of exemption of the 1960 Caravan Site and Permitted Developments Act.


"Power to withdraw certain exemptions​

13(1)The Minister may on the application of a local authority by order provide that, in relation to such land situated in their area as may be specified in the order, this Schedule shall have effect as if paragraphs 2 to 10, or such one or more of those paragraphs as may be so specified, were omitted from this Schedule.

(2)An order under this paragraph—

(a)shall come into force on such date as may be specified therein, and

(b)may, on the application of the local authority on whose application it was made, be varied or revoked by a subsequent order made thereunder,

and, except in the case of an order the sole effect of which is to revoke in whole or part a previous order, the local authority shall, not less than three months before the order comes into force, cause a notice setting out the effect of the order and the date on which it comes into force to be published in the London Gazette or, if the land is in Scotland, in the Edinburgh Gazette and in a local newspaper circulating in the locality in which the land to which the order relates is situated."

In other words, they can't just bully him and say the rally is blocked. They have to apply for an order 3 months before and advertise it in the London Gazette and local Newspaper 3 months before. If they didn't do their paperwork, legally they have no case.
You never know, but we wouldn't be in competition with the campsite due to the nature of our organisation.

If you are in contact with the owner and he is not in agreement with the council get him to ask if the council have applied for a paragraph 13 withdrawal of exemption of the 1960 Caravan Site and Permitted Developments Act.


"Power to withdraw certain exemptions​

13(1)The Minister may on the application of a local authority by order provide that, in relation to such land situated in their area as may be specified in the order, this Schedule shall have effect as if paragraphs 2 to 10, or such one or more of those paragraphs as may be so specified, were omitted from this Schedule.

(2)An order under this paragraph—

(a)shall come into force on such date as may be specified therein, and

(b)may, on the application of the local authority on whose application it was made, be varied or revoked by a subsequent order made thereunder,

and, except in the case of an order the sole effect of which is to revoke in whole or part a previous order, the local authority shall, not less than three months before the order comes into force, cause a notice setting out the effect of the order and the date on which it comes into force to be published in the London Gazette or, if the land is in Scotland, in the Edinburgh Gazette and in a local newspaper circulating in the locality in which the land to which the order relates is situated."

In other words, they can't just bully him and say the rally is blocked. They have to apply for an order 3 months before and advertise it in the London Gazette and local Newspaper 3 months before. If they didn't do their paperwork, legally they have no case.
He’s appreciated your input, thank you
Cheers! .... although it doesn't stop them applying in future if they haven't already done it.

However, they need a valid reason, otherwise it can be legally challenged.
I've not been before but am guessing it's the same PC. Really looking forward to this rally.
Sue it could be that huge camp site next door putting the boot in. It has touring pitches what seem to be quiet well used. The year before last we was walking through that site to the coastal path and we stopped talking to a motorhomer on one of the pitches. He said he was being charged £70 a night for his pitch, they do have a shower and toilet block though and I think he had hook up but not sure if that was extra. He also said it went up to £90 a night as the summer went on. He asked how much we payed and I told him we was in a camping club which held meetings all over ethe UK and if you joined and was a full member it was £11 per night which I think it was 2 years ago. He nearly fainted, I nearly called Air Ambulance for him. Now if that got back to the MPs and Councillers that have shares in the campsite and the owners, it might have made them think we are takeing busiiness off them and need to take action of some sort. Hope I'm not to blame for our relocation.
.... Tom .... 😭
I already suggested to the owner that this was possibly the case as we have seen this happen in Portugal. He's pretty angry about it all and will fight on. I don't suppose for one minute it was anything you said, I imagine the person you spoke to would have voted with his feet (tyres) rather than saying anything to the campsite. Might find out more when we are there. We are at the back of the area we were in last time, just unfortunately having to park in pitches as the area is smaller. The CC & C have managed 80 vans on the area so it should be fine.See you next week!
Think it’s something to do with motorhomes and caravans causing the potholes. Ummm! More likely to be those great juggernauts that trundle through!
You can search The Gazette online. I have just had a look and I can't see any notice about this I searched fr
You never know, but we wouldn't be in competition with the campsite due to the nature of our organisation.

If you are in contact with the owner and he is not in agreement with the council get him to ask if the council have applied for a paragraph 13 withdrawal of exemption of the 1960 Caravan Site and Permitted Developments Act.


"Power to withdraw certain exemptions​

13(1)The Minister may on the application of a local authority by order provide that, in relation to such land situated in their area as may be specified in the order, this Schedule shall have effect as if paragraphs 2 to 10, or such one or more of those paragraphs as may be so specified, were omitted from this Schedule.

(2)An order under this paragraph—

(a)shall come into force on such date as may be specified therein, and

(b)may, on the application of the local authority on whose application it was made, be varied or revoked by a subsequent order made thereunder,

and, except in the case of an order the sole effect of which is to revoke in whole or part a previous order, the local authority shall, not less than three months before the order comes into force, cause a notice setting out the effect of the order and the date on which it comes into force to be published in the London Gazette or, if the land is in Scotland, in the Edinburgh Gazette and in a local newspaper circulating in the locality in which the land to which the order relates is situated."

In other words, they can't just bully him and say the rally is blocked. They have to apply for an order 3 months before and advertise it in the London Gazette and local Newspaper 3 months before. If they didn't do their paperwork, legally they have no case.

You can search The Gazette online. I have just had a look and I can't see any notice about this, I searched from Jan 2024. I am not an expert though. Jean
Likewise, I"m not an expert. However, I do know that councils sometimes try to pull rank and bully people with planning law, acting "Ultra Vires".

It's most likely they have had a complaint from a resident who doesn't like the additional footfall in the area for 5 days and/or that field is in their view, so they acted without the proper procedure.

Sometimes these local disagreements depend on the personalities and maybe the complainant has the ear of someone on the council.

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