Bus passes

I have a rarely used one, but once I did try to use it for trip downtown which was fine but on the way home I was waiting and waiting for a bus and getting very cold, so I walked to the next stop, then the next stop, then the next stop, the bus turned up very late so I got on and the driver promptly threw me off as it was now 3 minutes past 11 , he said it was not valid then and as I did not have enough money to pay I had to get off and I ended having to walk the whole distance home getting there at 11.45. And very cold as it was below freezing. I was not a happy bunny.
I have a rarely used one, but once I did try to use it for trip downtown which was fine but on the way home I was waiting and waiting for a bus and getting very cold, so I walked to the next stop, then the next stop, then the next stop, the bus turned up very late so I got on and the driver promptly threw me off as it was now 3 minutes past 11 , he said it was not valid then and as I did not have enough money to pay I had to get off and I ended having to walk the whole distance home getting there at 11.45. And very cold as it was below freezing. I was not a happy bunny.
I hope you took his badge number and the busses number and reported the tw@
Not been on a bus in over 45 years, thank heavens as the stink was unbearable, the others were bad to.

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