Camping Recipes – 2 Cookbook Set: Over 200 Easy Recipes to Take Camping (free kindle edition)


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The newest edition to the Camping series! Camping Recipes - 2 Cookbook Set is a collection of 200 recipes to take camping.

Nothing is better than preparing a meal over a campfire. Preparing quick meals on camping trips is easy if you have the right recipes and ingredients. This 2 camping cookbook set of Bonnie Scott's camping books includes the titles:

100 Easy Camping Recipes
Camping Recipes: Foil Packet Cooking

With recipes for campfires, grills and foil packets, tips for camping, camping checklists and more, you'll find that Camping Recipes - 2 Cookbook Set provides you with much more than just a few basic camping recipes.

Camping Recipes - 2 Cookbook Set camping cookbook today and see for yourself how quick and easy it is to make delicious food outdoors!
Camping recipes.jpg
Dunno if it's because I'm on Prime but I just downloaded it for free pence.

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No I just have Prime but it's not included as far as I know as I have to pay for books normally.
Terry, we've got it too, thanks friend
It still tells me it is free Terry but to get it I need Kindle Unlimited. Not sure but I think Caz ay have got lifetime access to that when she bought a kindle years ago. I hardly ever read books or magazines any more, I start nodding off which is why I have listened t audiobooks for years now. If I still read I would just take the free 30 day subscription
Off topic I know but here’s a nice little thing. I don’t use Kindle but this is set up for several types of e-reader. I use Kobo and I just get daily offers of 99p on my selected type of books.



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