The laird

Rally Organiser

All system still green for our meet at Lochore,I’ve been in touch with the boss man etc and everything is good and they are awaiting to welcome us
I have wood organised for the fires ,the elsan etc has been sorted and operational at present
we have been following government guidelines and at present we have nothing to be overly concerned other than common sense prevailing.
mix up some a hand wash for yourself ie,3/4 water A1/4 disenfectank,in container and apply some once dried ,no kissing😩and if we all use common sense it should be good
hope this will help
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It’s up to individuals for now, but personally I think that to go ahead with a meet at present is outrageous. If it’s done under the auspices of motorhomer I’d say they share some responsibility for the possible outcome. Perhaps by the time this is due the government will have put stricter measures in force to prevent such folly.
Just re read and in my tired state I maybe got the timings of postings wrong and this is in fact cancelled now. If so apologies, cancellation is undoubtedly the correct decision.
Just re read and in my tired state I maybe got the timings of postings wrong and this is in fact cancelled now. If so apologies, cancellation is undoubtedly the correct decision.
Tutt tutt young man 😀😀👍
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