Conversion to Gas-It


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Following up from a fellow (very knowledgeable and helpful) buddy. I am converting my Calor gas supply to Gas-It supply and I have a question.
Where would you mount the intake valve?

I have a purpose built manufacturers box fitted and a really decent vent to the bottom, where I don't really wish to start drilling or making large holes in the panels unless I really have to.

Would it be logical to just mount the intake on the cabinet door or on the skirt underneath or to the side? Would you use the round or square mount?

Also, has anyone got a visual plan of the basic set-up?

Would it be logical to just mount the intake on the cabinet door or on the skirt underneath or to the side? Would you use the round or square mount
With experience of an LPG motor system that was fitted on an older van I would say that the LPG fill point needs to be mounted on a SECURE body point as there is quite a lot of pushing and pulling with the LPG hose on the adaptor point when filling. i.e do not put it on the door.
I would second Raws comment regarding door fitment. Mine is fitted on the actual cylinder tray which is below the aluminium skirt. On previous c class it was fitted into the plastic skirt.
Autogas 2000 used the round fitting, photo attached.

Mine is fitted in the Gas cupboard but securely on the floor.
So the hoses do not need to flex.
So I open the gas door but to plug in.
Some do not like this but for me there was little option.
Never been refused autogas !
I’ve no intention of changing my van, so didn’t mind putting it where it was most convenient even though it meant a hole in a panel. I’ve had it 5 years now and it’s saved the initial cost several times over, as well as being much more convenient.

I stuck my fill point inside the locker as we had a shortage of flat locations that wouldn't have been, a, pain....

I've filled plenty of times without any issue of it requiring the locker door opening.


The position of the fill point has proved emotional in the past, based on the various positions selected by motorhomers, and difficulties found at service stations where by opening the locker door staff have been found to have concerns that you may be filling a non refillable bottle, and refuse to turn the pump on.

The choice is yours, but I recommend you check as much as possible before finally deciding.
I think I'll have to fit a intake mount to the outside. The pocket on my van is too deep to use a 180mm bracket. Not like Mistericeman's shelf
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I fitted a Gas It filler on the gas locker door of our old van ( filler is top left of door). The door was pretty solid and was a simple job to cut a 70mm ( I think) hole on the door and fit the filler. No flexing of the door and you don't arouse suspicions when you fill up from the outside.

Gas filler 2.jpg

On our latest van, I fitted the fill point on the side skirt near the gas locker. The skirt is thick aluminium so is pretty solidly fixed. And, as you can see, I fitted a white one to match the van colour.

Gas filler.jpg
The fill pipe runs into the rear of the gas locker at the bottom, up between the two bottles and into a T piece so both bottles are filled.
Above the bottles is a Crash Protection device ( so gas can be used with the vehicle moving) and an auto changeover switch which both bottles feed into via Excess Flow check valves.
Gas bottles.jpg
One thing to remember there are regs on distance of filler from hook up point can't remember how far 750 mm? 1000mm?.Can't see why u are not likely to be filling gas with hook up lead in use ( unless u have a very long cable)and the idea of a slow leak and gas build up being present outside the van ?how.May be I've missed a reason?
Nick, your installation is going to last you many years, take your time to decide the best course of action. You will be able to see real system set ups, when you get to NF Meet.
I fitted mine in the lower skirt which on my Hymer is aluminium and quiet sturdy.


One thing to remember there are regs on distance of filler from hook up point can't remember how far 750 mm? 1000mm?.Can't see why u are not likely to be filling gas with hook up lead in use
Thats to cover the people who use a donor bottle connected to their vans fill point mainly I believe to use the cheaper than LPG bottled gas in Spain while over wintering

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