Credit where it is due.



For us to have a great online community we need people to put in their time and effort to post content for us to read or contribute too. To give these people feedback we have reactions (likes) system that allows us to react to their posts and let them know what we think. The other benefit is that for every reaction a post receives it gains the poster reward points. So you can reward the poster at no cost to you (it is not taken from your own reward points).

We have just had our first member go over 5000 reactions. This means that her posts have been read and deemed worthy of a reaction over 5000 times! She made her first post on this forum on 13th November 2017 and has now made 3878 posts.

So I would like to say congratulations to Campervanannie.

I would also like to thank everyone that posts on this forum, every post is important.

I'd guessed it was Annie as soon as I started to read the post, I always enjoy reading her posts (and liking them ;) )

Annie that is great news what an achievement, congratulations

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