Data roaming abroad


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With new restrictions using roaming when in EU, we searched sim cards for use abroad.
Vodafone UK restrict use to two months in four and no more than average UK usage, which is a pain as I have data which I only use in EU so little use at home where I have home wifi.
Three allow 20th again two months in three, same for Smarty. do a SIM card now called "go total" which gives unlimited use in Portugal ( no roaming elsewhere) for 15euros (15days) or 30euros (30days) and they can be topped up to a maximum of 90 days. Combined with UK sims used judiciously, we can make this last a good five months.
Think NOS also do a similar but have poor coverage in some areas.

One day when everyone is out and about, this could be useful information!
Yes a case of mix and re-mix. with different providers for Data
Makes a 2 Sim Phone handy or a Mi-fi unit.
With many handy to activate in UKand then put into hibernation until you need..I am talking/writing PayG cards
In 2016 I had a good contract with Three for use in the summer (home and away) which I then cancelled after 5 months..Unlimited for the 4months we were away
Now my preferred option is Giff-Gaff again Payg with their "goodybags as well" this gives 2 months away
so either EE or Three to finish off 3 or 4 months.
Gifff Gaff and EE have roaming charges in Switzerland but Three worked fine but that was 2019 !!!
In France 2015 I got unlimited wi=fi with a French company for £30 /euros a month..An external wifi aerial helps with this
Not easy to maintain decent connectivity over long periods !
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Getting to the point where having a fibre contract here in Portugal will become economically about €29 month, was €60. Previous trip we paid vodafone €15 euros for 15gb lasting 30 days! If we end up locked down here for more time than we have planned, will have time to get connected.....friends waited five months before they were hooked up! The signal is so poor here that we don't have a choice of providers. I got excited yesterday as got 12mbps signal, briefly, before it went back to 3mbps.
Ok Yes..cheper here in Thailand..but (within reason) I suggest it is worthwhile for a fixed good connection.
Just trade it off against cheaper cost of living and a better life-style etc
For me it is "No contest" and we signed up when we got here for our first full winter !
not just the cost but "Unlimited"
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I am sort of fighting against having unlimited internet as we enjoy the different lifestyle here and don't want to end up with just another place with everything? A bit of a struggle and being inventive gives us pleasure. However it is also frustrating at times! We are mainly off grid, and having a fixed line seems a bit 22mbps briefly here last evening with the Vodafone sim and aerial so were very happy. Dvds and downloads are always on hand for when the signal vanishes or data sim has used allowance or needs top up. We play board games and cards, listen to the radio and read when data or signal is low and I think I would be likely to stop that if I had a good signal all the time! A bit of a dilemma :p but a good one in a way.
I’ve got a orange dongle unlocked, I just put pay & go sims in it , buy a load off Amazon UK and just top them up online. £10 gets you about 10GB. France is extortionate for WiFi however on a SIM card. I had one I was paying for, was told it worked all over Europe. It didn’t! :-(
Getting to the point where having a fibre contract here in Portugal will become economically about €29 month, was €60. Previous trip we paid vodafone €15 euros for 15gb lasting 30 days! If we end up locked down here for more time than we have planned, will have time to get connected.....friends waited five months before they were hooked up! The signal is so poor here that we don't have a choice of providers. I got excited yesterday as got 12mbps signal, briefly, before it went back to 3mbps.
You may be in remote areas so this may not be of any use but have a look and see if anyone offers a Wifi mesh service. I signed up for this service in Hull and I can drop it and pick up as I want, not running contract. I dont game at the house its just for internet and TV streaming services which it copes with admirably. No phone or phone line required and it comes in for me at £25 a month.
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Wi-Fi mesh and Portugal don't seem to have met! Blank looks when I asked....:(
Might look at it for UK though..when current three data sim expires.
We have a Dutch card in our dual phone and use this abroad, excellent
BUT you need a Dutch address and bank account. The same applies for a deal in other countries.
Luckily we have some very good and trusting friends.
I’ve got a orange dongle unlocked, I just put pay & go sims in it , buy a load off Amazon UK and just top them up online. £10 gets you about 10GB. France is extortionate for WiFi however on a SIM card. I had one I was paying for, was told it worked all over Europe. It didn’t! :-(
Just be aware. “Orange” in the UK isn’t the same “Orange” as in France, which isn’t the same “Orange” as in Spain! We found this out to our cost 5 years ago when we did the same. Different tariffs, different rates for each country. If you cross borders, you will be in a different country, and if you don’t swap SIM cards for your new country you get charged international rates.
Orange France put in very small print on basic plans non FR data is charged. Not fair given its EU I guess? Buy a pay & go amazon free-mobile sim. £5 , £5gb.

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