Does anyone use Alexa

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

I'm wondering if getting a few plugs might save me a bit of pain.

Do you get an indication of if it has done what you ask if I was to put one in the garage?

Which are the better VFM ones

Anyone have any unused one they want rid of?
Defo big no as its the biggest spyware ever, you cannot even fart in the house or it will send you advertisements on the ph or pc as to where you can buy incontinence pants/nappies etc. 😂
Where do you get this rubbish it has to be turned on to work at all, and as it's Amazon it will likely not work when you need it.
Where do you get this rubbish it has to be turned on to work at all, and as it's Amazon it will likely not work when you need it.
Not rubbish, well tested by many of the linux foundations and others like firefox etc, you are starting to think like a Russian and believe everything you are told & sold LOL
If it knew everything sure it would be installed in the house of commons, jes maybe it is. 😂
I think you will find a plug doesn't have a mic in it, just WiFi, I'd not have the speaker thing given, no need for it.
I think you will find a plug doesn't have a mic in it, just WiFi, I'd not have the speaker thing given, no need for it.
WE did a test on one in a house that had a windows pc, we started talking about ben Sherman shirts and with in minutes my mate had emails offering good deals on them, he is a stick in the mud and wont change to linux, maybe a thump on his nogin will sort it out.
So much crap out there these days Pudsey im finding it hard to keep up, mobile phones are doing my head in. 😂
I'm wondering if getting a few plugs might save me a bit of pain.

Do you get an indication of if it has done what you ask if I was to put one in the garage?

Which are the better VFM ones

Anyone have any unused one they want rid of?
There are quite a few different ones as you will have already spotted. Something I would suggest is whichever one go for, keep to the same brand. I have a variety and I found when I had one make enabled, another brand I had wouldn't work. (can't recall which brands it was that didn't play nicely together).

I have got a couple of Tapo brand plugs and they work well enough. I'd get something like this if I wanted a bunch of them -
Price per plug is a lot better than the Amazon branded ones (got a couple of those - they are often bundled with echo devices at a good price).

This strip is good as well - have this in one room and can control the three devices individually as well having them in a single group -
Cheers Dave

Can they be controlled when away from Home do you know?
WE did a test on one in a house that had a windows pc, we started talking about ben Sherman shirts and with in minutes my mate had emails offering good deals on them, he is a stick in the mud and wont change to linux, maybe a thump on his nogin will sort it out.
So much crap out there these days Pudsey im finding it hard to keep up, mobile phones are doing my head in. 😂
this made me think ... is Alexa a hit man? We were talking about Priscella Presley and Lisa-Marie two days ago (watching Naked Gun) and wondered if Priscella was still alive. Lisa marie annouced dead today :( . And that wasn't the first time!
Ah, hard of reading strikes again :D :D looks like you can, I was just thinking if we're away for a month and forget to turn something off.
Cheers Dave

Can they be controlled when away from Home do you know?
You should be able to, yes. For example, I can turn my Motorhome Awning light on and off using Alexa when I am in the house, and the house and motorhome are on different internet services.
I'm hoping it'll save me going down to the garage, just to turn the charger on and off, not sure if the wifi gets in there though, and also to turn off the TV plug, and maybe the fridge, it doesn't need to be on all night at this time of year our kitchen has a tiled floor and marble worktops so it's always cold in there, better check though to see what the temp is.
11.2c in the kitchen, 11.6 in the lounge not very different, it's a cold wet windy day 6.2 outside.
this made me think ... is Alexa a hit man? We were talking about Priscella Presley and Lisa-Marie two days ago (watching Naked Gun) and wondered if Priscella was still alive. Lisa marie annouced dead today :( . And that wasn't the first time!
Even with AI, David, you can only be pronounced dead once ... Unless you believe in an imaginary friend and his mate Lazarus who came back from the dead [allegedly]; and des O'Connor, who died every night at the Glasgow Empire ... :D

Even with AI, David, you can only be pronounced dead once ... Unless you believe in an imaginary friend and his mate Lazarus who came back from the dead [allegedly]; and des O'Connor, who died every night at the Glasgow Empire ... :D

When I reread what I typed, I thought it could be read a little wrong :)
What I meant of course, is that it is not the first time we had discussed a certain persons living status, only to find their demise reported the following day. (just pray we are not discussing you! "oh, remember those lovely biscuits Steve gave us last year ...." ;) )
You must be using them wrong then :D :D
No just very hard to get a proper browser working without Google trying to get peeping in, then bombarded with fecken adds all night long, may just end up buying a linux based phone if I had £400
I'm hoping it'll save me going down to the garage, just to turn the charger on and off, not sure if the wifi gets in there though, and also to turn off the TV plug, and maybe the fridge, it doesn't need to be on all night at this time of year our kitchen has a tiled floor and marble worktops so it's always cold in there, better check though to see what the temp is.
Buy a smart charger and it will turn its self on and off. 😂

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