Dont always trust your sat nav

The laird;n13916 said:
Very interesting ! Mmmm never do trust the sat esp in the truck!

Yes I agree . I still have about 30 A to Z books , and still use them
That van was specifically made for that bridge lol no other mh I’ve seen would have got through there. That wee guys got balls though?
Its happened to us several times, (not quite that bad thank goodness) now a map on the passangers lap is essential.
There's that underpass in Rouen. It's got plastic fingers hanging down on the approach, if you can get under them without touch you're ok.
Just after that a sign says height limit 2.6 metres which is quite interesting as my moho is 2.9metres high. BUT I DID GET UNDER THE PLASTIC THINGIES OK, DIDN'T I!?
Frenchie in car beside us looks up and smirks. I drive very, but very, slowly forward, the French guy slows with me. I slide underneath the tunnel, Status aerial scrapes and then we're through! Pierre gives us the thumbs up.
I was so convinced we had hit the tunnel roof that at the first opportunity I opened the Heki and climbed up for a look. No damage, not a scratch even on the aerial.
Since then Rouen is avoided as if it has The Plague.
Apart from that little jolly I did find myself on a French cycle track and had a suicidal trip up a narrow hairpinned hill off the Gorge du Tarn road. Even the dog crawled under the table for that one!
My saga was going through a French version of allotments to reach a locked gate at the other end. I could see my destination but had to reverse 1/4 mile to the amusement of the locals. I wouldn't mind but the campsite I was heading for turned out to be crap!! I had to reverse up a steep hill up to get out of there.
What a nightmare journey :frown:
I thought he showed remarkable calmness, I think I might have thrown the satnav out of the window.
Us too got t-shirt!!
trying to find route up the Douro from outside Porto. Sat nav sent us left at roundabout and through small town and up hill, rather than next exit at roundabout for main road. Road then started up & up hill road!! Wifey surface deteriorated til it became coibled and sharp open sided bends. Wifey say NO MORE!! But where to turn? Stopped and put hazards on. Very kind guy coming down showed concern for us. Backed along to wide section of road where able to turn and reyraces steps to roundabout taking next exit. Phew!!!
sat nav obviously wanted us to do most direct route!!!!
Thereafter lovely route along river, along side of hills about 30miles. Looking down in rover and vineyards!!!
Sometimes works the other way. We've got one that allows you to input vehicle weight and dimensions. Trouble is that makes it very risk averse and tries to avoid a lot of those 'interesting' roads we like. Several times in France its tried to stop us going along roads with height limits, but more often than not the limit only affects one side of the overhanging cliff / gallery, or the height of the sides of an arch even though there's plenty of room in the middle. So we tend to ignore it...only once got caught out with a 2.1 m railway bridge...can't argue with that.
Milly;n13926 said:
Its happened to us several times, (not quite that bad thank goodness) now a map on the passangers lap is essential.

Having a map would not tell one the width of the road and the bridge/tunnel in that video. Height yes - on some maps e.g. Michelin, but not width.
Hi Geoff, but the map will usually give you the colour of the road which at least prepares you for the worst. I often get told "It wants you to go down a white road". That can be a timely warning in the Alps!!!
On no account set your sat nav to shortest route Scandinavia unless you have at least 1/2 M ground clearance AND 4 wheel drive.
The shortest route can take you on tracks for timber lorries with all wheel drive and chains for extra grip in wet palaces.
Glass man;n14145 said:
On no account set your sat nav to shortest route Scandinavia unless you have at least 1/2 M ground clearance AND 4 wheel drive.
The shortest route can take you on tracks for timber lorries with all wheel drive and chains for extra grip in wet palaces.

You got predictive text by any chance? One must have AWD and chains in wet palaces- all the royals have them don't you know?! LOL:Queen_s_Crown_Emoji:Smiling_Emoji_with_
Personally I didn't see any problem, the road was wide enough for the vehicle he was driving and the tunnel tall enough. :Smiling_Face_Emoji:
Went down Leys Lane in Parracombe, Devon last autumn, en route to the Huntsman Hotel as directed by the delectable sat nav. Had spoken to the hotel owner prior to going who didn't mention anything about narrow approach roads etc. Only around a mile from the destination. No signs at entrance to road denoting anything at all. After about 400 yards, rounding a bend it suddenly became extremely narrow with nowhere to turn or pass. After looking at the os map decided to continue. It got even narrower so that I had to turn in the door mirrors. Half a mile in there was one passing place and a car opposing! Passed each other and carried on. 300 yds. round a bend and there it was! Unbelievably an ancient cottage with its front aspect corner sticking into the road! I edged past it at less than crawling pace having chopped a bit of foliage off the nearside banking with shears! Always a handy accessory in a motorhome I believe! Thankfully the 'road' opened out slightly after that and we made it unscathed. That first pint never tasted so good! Mentioned it later to the hotel owner and he just smiled and said the last one to come down there was a Tesco van and it had to be craned out! Oh well-we didn't thankfully!

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