Door electric window Mechanisms 2017 ducato


Full Member

When we went shopping in the van last week the passenger window sounded very dry/squeaky.
hoping to lube it with WD40 without taking door apart. Does runner for electric motor run down the front or back edge of the glassBplease?

so which bit do u think I need to lubricate?
I suggest that you have a look at because it is easier to see where the mechanism has scraped in the photos.
Note that I know nothing about these window mechanisms: I just looked for a better picture
The piece in picture is only a part of the window mechanism, albeit an important one and the one that actually moves the glass.
The side runner guides can become dirty and restrict the glass.
There are a few different types of actuator, they fit to the door pivot side of the the glass, the one in picture uses rollers at each end for the bowden cable, if yours is like that possibly the roller shafts making the noise, other ones use an inner and outer cable and no rollers I'd suggest the only way to find out is to remove the door card and observe, the marks mentioned above in the rail are caused by the nylon slider moving along the channel, which should be silicone greased.
Best not use WD40 if you want a lasting repair.
Dust and crud can also build up on the outer seals. Best scrape this off with a plastic credit card type tool, probably best done when crud is moist to avoid damaging seal.

Good luck

K ;)
As Eurajohn has mentioned above. Do not use WD40 as a lubricant, it is a release agent only.
If its making a lot of noise its usually a sign that its on way out due rusting etc . just before cable snaps :(
Dust and crud can also build up on the outer seals. Best scrape this off with a plastic credit card type tool, probably best done when crud is moist to avoid damaging seal.

Good luck

K ;)
Fab great advice.
I slid a piece of card wrapped with a j-cloth under it and round bottom edge and sides and all the muck that came off doing this 3 or 4 times was incredible. All squeaky clean now and no noise, ta again!!!!
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What’s a general lubricant then in a spray can like wd40? I’ve got a bike chain one somewhere I think!!!
WD40 is not a lubricant, it's a penetrating water dispersant. It's also a solvent and will actually remove any lubricants it finds. The stiff to use instead is 3in1 oil, which really is oil, and is confusingly now sold by the the WD40 company, under similar branding.

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