Ducato Security - Pro plates to protect door handles


Full Member

Hello all.

Apparently Ducato (and probably most vans) have a vulnerability to a carefully aimed screwdriver pushed between the door lock and the door skin to release the central locking.

I was wondering if anyone has fitted or has opinions on the protective plates you can buy. Installation seems simple except you have to remove the door card. Is this problematical ?

Also does the passenger side need one if there is no keyhole ?


Fitted one a couple of weeks ago. Youtube has a video of installation but I reckon that the fitter has much smaller hands than I have.
The inner box needed a bit of bending to make it fit over the studs. With mine the inner studs for the handle we only just long enough to hold everything in place.

Edit: the video does not show the inner box; it looks like it is a recent development. They also provide a tube of gunge to stick/seal the plate to the door.
Fitted them to our 2018 PVC last year. I found a reinforcing plate inside the door, so maybe later Fiats don't need them?
I carried on fitting as there is nothing on the outside to indicate this has now been done by the manufacturer.
Fitted one a couple of weeks ago. Youtube has a video of installation but I reckon that the fitter has much smaller hands than I have.
Why on earth didn't he wash his hands before refitting the trim?
I also favour the Heosafe locks.
But a word of warning, you mention you have Remis blinds be aware there are two types of Remis door blinds, one with a very small protrusion from door and the others stand proud by about 40mm or so, the cutting guide supplied with the locks is for the wide ones.
If you follow it for the narrow ones you will cut far too much off and have a very large gap between lock and blind.
I did email the company with a complaint but never received a reply.

Luckily I didn't think the diagram they supplied looked like mine and checked before I cut, I marked the lock position and then removed the blind from door and trimmed on bench.
Would removing the link rod from the door lock barrel prevent the lock from operating . but would operate from the key fob . in case of fob failure enter from rear door .and open drivers door from inside
Possibly, but there will be no visual deterent and a baddie will make a mess trying and then you will have to fit a pro plate to cover up any mess he left.
At least he wouldn,t have got in.

When we had our Hymer, based on a Ducato, we were very happy with https://www.amazon.co.uk/HEOSOLUTION-HEOSafe-Fiat-Ducato-12656/dp/B00GX749QA
A big advantage is when they are locked, you need the key to open them, so life if still difficult for the intruder even if they break the window.
Obviously you would have to check that you buy the right ones for your vehicle.
That looks a lot better than the pro lock as it offers protection from the coat hanger method .
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I fitted a proplate after being broken into with the screwdriver technique, the plates are only needed where there are keylocks.
A proplate would definitely stop anybody breaking in via that vunerability
Problem you have with such equipment is they will only go to a softer part of the van, or cause more damage trying to break in.
Yes mechanical devices are a deterrent and yes deadlocks can help with snatch and grab, but a pro will not care how much damage is caused in gaining entry to your pride and joy.
It’s ok fitting all these extras but at the same time plastic windows and roof vents can be pulled open so easy even with locks on handles
Later ducatos have them already, apparently, albeit not as thick. But lets be real, if they will get through the door they can remove a plastic window or smash glass
Put your money on another layer of security, obd lock or stoplock pro elite. All can be got around, but with 2 or 3 you'd hope they'd go elsewhere
Later ducatos have them already, apparently, albeit not as thick. But lets be real, if they will get through the door they can remove a plastic window or smash glass
Put your money on another layer of security, obd lock or stoplock pro elite. All can be got around, but with 2 or 3 you'd hope they'd go elsewhere
What an indiot

And an incorrect statement, duff info. Said based on research and not knowing the van in person (got mine the day after the above post). Only saw this thread after accidentally clicking into this forum and saw this thread and my old post. Doh

The door lock is susceptible to a screwdriver attack to open the door easily, even with deadlocks. Yes, alarm will sound, but door will open. The proplates are a good idea on all keyed doors. And I went with it.

Install vid I did here. Shocking how easy it would've been without it. Yeah - smashing window is just as easy, but hopefully this will be enough for scroats to see then look inside and see other measures and then go elsewhere. Its not an expensive option.


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