Dyson hoover


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Anyone with a Dyson hoover will know the batteries supplied are crap. We have two and have replaced the batteries in both at £70 a pop and there still not great. Found this adapter that lets you fit a Dewalt or makita battery. If you already have a battery power tool then this is a great idea. Easy to fit and the hoover seems to be more powerful and last twice as long.

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It's about time as the original batteries are shit nice one Wully
Still got my old hoover junior from the fifties.View attachment 71430
If I’m not mistaken, what you have there is a Hoover senior. The Junior was a little narrower, looked a bit chunkier and I only ever saw it brown!

There was a time in my life I was knocking door to door, relieving housewives of their hoovers, for service & repair… 🥴😏
Anyone with a Dyson hoover will know the batteries supplied are crap. We have two and have replaced the batteries in both at £70 a pop and there still not great. Found this adapter that lets you fit a Dewalt or makita battery. If you already have a battery power tool then this is a great idea. Easy to fit and the hoover seems to be more powerful and last twice as long.

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Apparently, it’s also compatible with an Apple iPhone XR! 🧐

Strange how times change. Hoover is now seen as a budget brand but we still talk about hoovering things.
Strange how times change. Hoover is now seen as a budget brand but we still talk about hoovering things.
I guess when your brand name becomes the generic term, you know you’ve made it, even if you haven’t!! 😂🤣. Like Biro, Thermos, Bubble Wrap, Kleenex etc etc…
We have been using Makita batteries on ours for a while and they are much better - the 5 last long than the 3 but we have quitea few so always one on charge
The original battery on mine lasted just out of warranty, I didn’t get a Dyson replacement but opted for one the correct spec off Amazon for around £20 then. It’s been in 3 years now and still going ok.
I think the problem is when you keep them in the holder with mains turned on all the time. I only think this as when original battery packed up it was always turned on at home. Since replacement it’s been in the van and only gets a charge every now and then. May just be coincidence of course

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