End of Summer - Winter Flu Letter Arrived


Full Member

The 'time for the COVID and Flu Jag' letter has arrived. Appointment on 3rd October for the two jags in the Community Centre [well, in the arm, actually ... :D], with Elaine's session 7 minutes later in the production line of 12-15 Nurses honing their Pub Darts Team skills, but slightly quicker with the arrows than the Darts Players! It is an impressive logistics operation

Yes apparently some younger age groups are being taken earlier . I think to give us oldies more winter coverage . Phoned up before I got a letter and got booked in , first booking for my age group according to very helpful woman/person .
Decided to delay my trip until after I got jabbed .
Yes apparently some younger age groups are being taken earlier . I think to give us oldies more winter coverage . Phoned up before I got a letter and got booked in , first booking for my age group according to very helpful woman/person .
Decided to delay my trip until after I got jabbed .
Sensible.Not delaying my trip, but I am concerned that covid jabs will be finished when I get back. Had a nasty dose of it a few weeks back so that should help my immunity. Will be able to get the flu one on my return at a chemist.
Yes apparently some younger age groups are being taken earlier . I think to give us oldies more winter coverage . Phoned up before I got a letter and got booked in , first booking for my age group according to very helpful woman/person .
Decided to delay my trip until after I got jabbed .
We qualify for the first general public tranche on the joint grounds of old gitdom and health vulnerabilities, the risk grounds being that the GP dare not precribe any more tablets because I only have 10 fingers and thumbs to help me keep track of the meds ... :rolleyes:

We qualify for the first general public tranche on the joint grounds of old gitdom and health vulnerabilities, the risk grounds being that the GP dare not precribe any more tablets because I only have 10 fingers and thumbs to help me keep track of the meds ... :rolleyes:

Not sure if it varies from area to area ?
Family member (early 50s) got his appointment before I got my letter.
Yes any more drugs for me and I'll have to go barefoot
Not sure if it varies from area to area ?
Family member (early 50s) got his appointment before I got my letter.
Yes any more drugs for me and I'll have to go barefoot
In Scotland, the only group eligible for vaccination this week are social care workers and NHS staff, which makes a deal of sense. Then it is the older age groups with vulnerabilities, and then a succession of filters apply until the least susceptible /vulnerable are vaccinated. The overall UK Winter Vaccination Strategy is set by the JCVI, but the delivery programme is the responsibility of NHS Scotland for us because Health is a devolved matter

In Scotland, the only group eligible for vaccination this week are social care workers and NHS staff, which makes a deal of sense. Then it is the older age groups with vulnerabilities, and then a succession of filters apply until the least susceptible /vulnerable are vaccinated. The overall UK Winter Vaccination Strategy is set by the JCVI, but the delivery programme is the responsibility of NHS Scotland for us because Health is a devolved matter

Don't know then . Guy I'm talking about is a postie . Not sure date of his appointment but he was told 2 weeks ago . That is what alerted me to try and get an appointment .
Certainly I was told by GP receptionist or person giving me appointment that they had changed the order of cohorts [if that is right word] . Maybe Lothian health are different from other health boards ?
Thanks for the heads up will make sure I don't open any go letters till spring mind my quack usually rings me so I try to remember to block the number till spring too
Don't know then . Guy I'm talking about is a postie . Not sure date of his appointment but he was told 2 weeks ago . That is what alerted me to try and get an appointment .
Certainly I was told by GP receptionist or person giving me appointment that they had changed the order of cohorts [if that is right word] . Maybe Lothian health are different from other health boards ?
NHS Fife has taken the vaccinations away from the GPs, and has organised Vaccination Clinics in Community Halls, closed M&S and Argos Stores etc etc with a row of 12-15 Nurses delivering jags on a production line set up at 7 minute intervals

In Scotland, the only group eligible for vaccination this week are social care workers and NHS staff, which makes a deal of sense. Then it is the older age groups with vulnerabilities, and then a succession of filters apply until the least susceptible /vulnerable are vaccinated. The overall UK Winter Vaccination Strategy is set by the JCVI, but the delivery programme is the responsibility of NHS Scotland for us because Health is a devolved matter

My Flu Jab is this coming Sunday. No Covid ones on the horizon, at least at the moment but I suspect Boosters will be offered before Christmas.
Never had a Flu Jab in my life so not starting now & since I had Covid Jabs I have had joint problems in my fingers/ knees/ shoulders, had X-ray's on both hands & knees the Radiographer said so many people been complaining about various problems since Covid Jabs, so count me out for this one. 🤧
Sue got her flu + Covid appointment for early October when we will be away so she changed it online to late September. We now hear that in Scotland a new more effective covid jab is coming early to mid October. She‘s now thinking of changing to a later date. My appointment is early November so I reckon I’ll stick with that!
With all this talk of Vaccinations Don't forget the Shingles one is now being offered to the 65's now
We'' be ringing our local Dr's surgery whilst we are away, with a view to getting an appointment as soon as we are back from our trip. Mrs GMJ gets hers due to her on going illnesses and hopefully I'll get mine as her carer.
Never had a Flu Jab in my life so not starting now & since I had Covid Jabs I have had joint problems in my fingers/ knees/ shoulders, had X-ray's on both hands & knees the Radiographer said so many people been complaining about various problems since Covid Jabs, so count me out for this one. 🤧
Il second that .
Getting stuck in the morning :)
On the flip side to some others, never had any side effects from the Flu or Covid, with the only 'symptom' of the covid jab being a sore arm for a few hours a bit later in the day - but just the same as when I have had the occasional sore arm after donating blood.

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