Enthralling History free Kindle books


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Free Kindle books, check the price is free before clicking buy now, some good reading if it is of interest to you, download the free Kindle app if you don't have a Kindle reader

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I love factual biographies and autobiographies, and almost never read fiction, it's the way I'm made. 😳

Just out of interest, I don't own a kindle, and use an iMac, is it possible to download the books for free that interest me and can be read?

I know, I'm a tight wad, but please don't criticise me for inherited genes. 🙂
Download the Kindle App from the Mac App Store
you have to have an Amazon account but you don't have to use it for anything other than the free books, once you have that set up just click on the links to buy, they will automatically download to your kindle app for you to keep and read, there are 32 free Enthralling History books just on this link that I posted, if you need any more help just ask

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