Fiat rear doors


Full Member

Citroen Peugeot as well. Getting water coming in from the top of the o/s rear door. Anyone know of a foolproof/ easy way to adjust these doors?
Getting fed up having to explain my wet bed ?
Do you by any chance have a bike rack fitted? My old van had the top brackets for the carrier where the bolts through the door went through the rubber door seal rendering it useless. Fortunately for us we don't use bikes so I removed the rack and replaced the rubber seal, job done.
Good luck
K ;)
Foolproof ? duck tape , anything else trial and error and brute force .adjusting catches and Hinger's bending door top to close top gap, not recommended if rear doors are glazed. Van doors are not a precision fit sometimes brute force is needed .
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Foolproof ? duck tape , anything else trial and error and brute force .adjusting catches and Hinger's bending door top to close gap, not recommended if rear doors are glazed.
Sorry Baz, I need to access the rear of the van. So not an answer to my problem ?
Can you not put a plastic j rail above doors to divert water that rolls off roof .
I adjusted one of my doors which wasn't closing fully. It wasn't quite flush with the other one. At the top, bolted to the "strut", part of the bodywork are two "silver" brackets which the door latches on to. These can be adjusted in or out. Try moving the o/s one in a fraction. Or you may have to move them both in, probably only a mm or so.
Not able to find this. Where did you find the link. I found the Fiamma product on eBay, the one you put on might be better. Saw a aluminium one, reckon a plastic one would follow the curve of the roof line better. A “J” gutter should help if not cure my problem
Currently unavailable ? Thanks anyway. Found a 2mt length on eBay. Fiamma drip stop .
Only hope I can fit it in cold temperatures. I’m putting in a couple of new cameras, I’ll do it all the same time.

Been looking at PSA vans as they pass me on motorways. Over the rear doors, some have a gutter, some don’t . Weird, all built in the same factory. No worries, mine will soon have one all of it’s own.

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