Fold away Barbeque, which one do you have?

Millie Master

Full Member

My last specimen of Chinese tin which was disguised as a Barbeque only lasted a very limited few burns before it quite literally fell apart!

We do BBQ whenever we can, but as the amount of storage space available in 'Millie' is relatively limited, unfortunately a small Weber is slightly too deep or else I would be buying on of those.

So what ideas do you have please?
If you mean the Weber Go-Anywhere Gas BBQ I don't think you'll get anything much smaller. We use the Cadac Safari Chef which is round and fits into a small-ish bag which we can store in a space under the bench seat/bed. We also have the cobb which is a similar sort of size.
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CADAC Carri Chef 2 for us. Plug it into the MH.

We liked it so much we bought one for home too!
We have recently downsized to a pvc so space is at a premium.
We like to bbq and have purchased this little fire trough which doubles as a bbq, perfect for two of us.
It ain't cheap but is made from stainless steel and made to last.
Folds down into a small pouch, in fact all my bbq kit stows into one pouch along with a small plastic box for the coals...

We have spent a long time looking and following reading various product reviews we have decided to purchase a small(ish) circular fire pit/BBQ from this company which comes complete with a carrying bag on this link you will see both a square and round version and it is the circular one we have gone for.

For us when it comes to outdoor bbq's it either has to be the embers of drift wood or charcoal, over many years we tried gas and I am afraid to say the flavour of the food is not a patch on wood charred steaks, sausages, kebabs etc.
Do you or have you ever used it with scrub drift wood or similar rather than charcoal?
I've burnt some bits of scrub/driftwood as a fire in it....

Not ideal (it's a bbq not a firepit)
BUT worked OK as a fire.... I'm sure I could've easily cooked over it once it had burnt down.
I've burnt some bits of scrub/driftwood as a fire in it....

Not ideal (it's a bbq not a firepit)
BUT worked OK as a fire.... I'm sure I could've easily cooked over it once it had burnt down.

My most beloved actually prefers to cook on wood embers rather than commercial charcoal when she is cooking just for the 2 of us, however when she is cooking for a larger number of people then it has to be charcoal as it lasts far longer at cooking temperatures.
With regards to cooking on wood embers that come from fully seasoned wood, when living in France we knew of several restaurants who used this method for cooking meats and fish, using different types of wood to impart slightly different flavours to the food.
This is good for us. Folds completely flat and made of stainless steel. Will last a lifetime. Excuse the business name plastered all over the photo, nothing to do with me. I just bought it there.

For us when it comes to outdoor bbq's it either has to be the embers of drift wood or charcoal,
Thats the way to BBQ with out that your just grilling it. I made my own about 12 yrs ago out of a 6kg calor bottle split length ways short legs and hinged top still as good now as then
That's a piece of work! Does it fold away etc?
We have had a Cadac Safari Chef for a few years, but I really can’t say I like it. It’s difficult to clean, doesn’t seem to get very hot ( the wok bowl just boils veg) and it’s rusting.
But, many years ago ( about 35 when we had a VW camper) we bought a cast iron Hibachi bbq. It was less than a fiver, lasted years and cooked really well.
Unfortunately, although we have tried to buy another, I can’t find any for sale anywhere at a reasonable price.

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