For owners of Victron Orion Smart-TR B2B Charger


Full Member

Especially those who bought them a couple of years ago or earlier ....

Have a read of this discussion on the Victron Community Page -

There has been reports of the Orions getting very hot and the output throttling back, sometimes pretty significantly. Some people have added fans to blow over the units to help cool them down a bit, but Victron have changed the internal design of the unit to both run cooler AND actually throttle back the output so it is no more than 30A which also stops it getting so hot (Victron units have always tended to be able to run faster than the quoted numbers).
They have not done a recall of the older units, but when you read the threads on the link below and specifically the post from "mvader" (the MD of Victron), they are replacing those affected units FOC, but on request not automatically.

His reply:
"The return policy for this is that anyone with a unit having an older serial number is eligible free of charge of a unit with the revised design; without any discussion. Contact your dealer for that, they will need to contact our Service department, whom are aware of this."

For the list of numbers, you need to read that Community thread and his reply where he has a table of models and serial numbers. In essence, for the 12V 30A units, which are the most popular I would say, units built before about or before the first half of 2020 may be affected.
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