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We are thinking of travelling over to the said Country ... BUT ...after seeing the French Authorities asking our Paratroopers for there Passports after they dropped in for the D Day anniversary We might not bother .DISGUSTING. Rant Over.
We are thinking of travelling over to the said Country ... BUT ...after seeing the French Authorities asking our Paratroopers for there Passports after they dropped in for the D Day anniversary We might not bother .DISGUSTING. Rant Over.
I'm sayin nada, as my last post to a thread reply had the thread locked!!
Freedom of speech is a great asset to our Country & shouldn't be taken away from us .
Freedom of speech is a great asset to our Country & shouldn't be taken away from us .
I certainly agree, but this place should always be a friendly place to come and though it very rarely happens it’s probably best to step in before there is any unpleasantness I think.
I would be a Tourist, but am annoyed what the Authorities did to our Troops on such an occasion When they are letting people pass through their Country & passing them onto our Beloved Country with NO checks whatsoever, so I don't feel like I should be putting my money into their Economy.
I don't disagree with your grievance but as we travel through rural France watching French people struggling to make a living I am happy to give them my custom.
Come over give them a chance and try to overcome your grievance, don't let their politicians spoil your view of the charm and beauty that is France.
I would be a Tourist, but am annoyed what the Authorities did to our Troops on such an occasion When they are letting people pass through their Country & passing them onto our Beloved Country with NO checks whatsoever, so I don't feel like I should be putting my money into their Economy.
Forget the emotions associated with the D-Day Commemorations and the unorthodox/special method of arrival of the Paratroopers for a moment. Even before UK left the EU, there were UK & French Border Controls, because UK did not wish to participate in the Schengen Zone Scheme of Open Borders, so we had to show Passports and have them stamped, inwards and outwards journies

Had the Paratroopers arrived on a Cross Channel ferry, or on a plane en route to Normandy, they would each have had to have their Passport checked, as a resident of a Third Country, crossing an EU Border. The fact that the Paratroopers 'dropped in' just makes the Passport Check at the drop zone slightly bizarre, but no different from the normal procedures

Could the UK & French Governments have liaised in advance of the D-Day Commemoration and even scored PR points by issuing the named Paratroopers with Commemorative Visas valid for 6th June 2024 only? Yes, but UK & EU mutual trust has been a problem since 1973, so both sides probably overlooked this possibility

It is not true to claim that people are allowed to 'pass through our Beloved Country with NO checks whatsoever'; since the UK left the EU, visitors from Europe must produce a valid Passport instead of the previous agreement to show an ID Card. The need to provide a Passport has played havoc with things like School Exchange Visits and Language Schools in UK, and the business tends to go elsewhere, where the ID Card is still accepted

We are out of the EU and as such subject to internal rules.
We cannot pick and choose anymore or influence rules and laws in Europe.
Possibly even in the UK where power has been seeded to bodies like the BIS and WEF USA etc.
We are a third country, we no longer have rights in the EU, other than those that other third countries have. All third country residents have to have passport checks, no matter how they arrived. Why should someone jumping out of a perfectly serviceable plane be exempted? All this queueing we have to do and the restrictions are a bind, but happily, my conscience is clear.
We are a third country, we no longer have rights in the EU, other than those that other third countries have. All third country residents have to have passport checks, no matter how they arrived. Why should someone jumping out of a perfectly serviceable plane be exempted? All this queueing we have to do and the restrictions are a bind, but happily, my conscience is clear.
Agreed, with the rider that the UK Government turned down the EU Offer to grant British residents a 180 day stay limit, which the UK Government declined, because it wanted to appear to be tough on immigration to Brexit supporters. Still would have required Passport checks as I said in Post #9, but they could have been much more infrequent ... 'We live in a Western European democracy, and are proud to have removed Freedom of Movement' to mash the utterances of Ms Patel, Mr Johnson, Mr Starmer, Mr Sunak et al ... (n)

We are a third country, we no longer have rights in the EU, other than those that other third countries have. All third country residents have to have passport checks, no matter how they arrived. Why should someone jumping out of a perfectly serviceable plane be exempted? All this queueing we have to do and the restrictions are a bind, but happily, my conscience is clear.
I was referring to the French passing folk in Dingies
I was referring to the French passing folk in Dingies
Don't think it is 'the French' passingfolk in dinghies, it is the smuggling gangs. Had UK stayed in EU, the boat people could have been returned to the first place of safe haven at which they landed in the EU. Now that UK is a Third Country, it has to sort out its own illegal immigration problems

<snip>Even before UK left the EU, there were UK & French Border Controls, because UK did not wish to participate in the Schengen Zone Scheme of Open Borders, so we had to show Passports and have them stamped, inwards and outwards journeys

I recall showing passport, but never stamped entering/leaving the EU countries that I visited while UK was a member of EU.
Haven't been abroad since world governments conspired to give everyone the government injectable.
I am intrigued but can make no sense of this statement. Pray elucidate.
The Government Injectable,great name for a band.
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