
I can see the legislation being passed just as someone spends +£3000 on lithium batteries for the 3kW spaceheater. On a signboard in small print something along the lines of ;
"Take notice electricity wardens on patrol (with Dyson detection equipment)
Free electrical power charge point can only be expressedly used for the primary propulsion of road going vehicles,
any other usage shall be deemed illegal, punishable
by not more than a 6 months supermarket carpark prohibition (except Tesco) and a £1000 penalty, proceeds to go to the new Dyson electric car project or another extra special vacuum cleaner"
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Bought a Honda generator plugged into van checked a socket with plug tester and showing no earth is this ok cheers
The issue is that without an earth rcd's won't work. You could use an earth spike as a number of people have said but this does need to make good contact with the ground. I have read that the other option is to neutral bond the earth wire. This means connecting the generator earth ( the generator frame) to the generator neutral. The usual way to do this is to connect both the earth and neutral wire to the neutral terminal in the plug to the generator then the RCD will work. BUT you must have a generator only lead, don't use it for EHU. I am not an expert, I would recommend consulting an electrician before doing this to check if the generator is floating neutral or already neutral bonded.
The issue is that without an earth rcd's won't work. You could use an earth spike as a number of people have said but this does need to make good contact with the ground. I have read that the other option is to neutral bond the earth wire. This means connecting the generator earth ( the generator frame) to the generator neutral. The usual way to do this is to connect both the earth and neutral wire to the neutral terminal in the plug to the generator then the RCD will work. BUT you must have a generator only lead, don't use it for EHU. I am not an expert, I would recommend consulting an electrician before doing this to check if the generator is floating neutral or already neutral bonded.
Correction, meant to say connect the earth and neutral terminals in the plug together, not just both wires to the neutral terminal.

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